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March 15, 2025

Dustin Johnson

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

4Aces GC

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Let's welcome Dustin Johnson, captain of 4Aces GC. You're tied for the lead at 11-under par after two rounds at LIV Golf Singapore presented by Aramco following a second round score of 3-under 68. Can you talk us through your round today.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it was a good solid day. Didn't really make anything early, then kind of got on a little bit of a run there on 7, 8, 9, made three birdies in a row. Thought I hit a good tee shot on 10 and it ended up in the bunker and made a 5 there. Then bogeyed 12 but then played pretty solid from there on in.

Got a little bit of a wind switch kind of mid-round and made the last six, seven holes played pretty tough.

Q. 4Aces have managed to maintain the team lead going into the final round at 18-under par. Talk us through your game plan tomorrow for yourself and for the team.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Obviously I'm in a good position with a chance to win but need to go out and I'm going to have to play really good. Obviously there's a lot of really good players right around the lead, so nothing is safe.

Yeah, team-wise all four of us got to play well again, and then we'll have a chance to win come the last few holes.

Q. Share your thoughts on playing with Joaco.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I've played with Joaco a lot. Obviously he's a really good player. He's been playing great this season. It's going to be a tough challenge tomorrow. I've just got to go out and play my game and see what I can do.

Q. Could you just talk about how today's round compared to yesterday's round and if there were any differences between the two?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: It wasn't much different as far as from today and yesterday. Just rolled in a few more putts yesterday than I did today. Hit a lot of good putts today that didn't go in, but made a couple, too.

But yeah, wasn't much different from today and yesterday.

Q. What's the mindset heading into the final round?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Kind of the same that I've been doing. Obviously most important is getting it in the fairway off the tee and from there figure out how I can get the best look at birdie.

Q. The last time that you and Niemann played together in the final group was his first start in Boston. In the playoff obviously you had the long putt. Does it seem like a long time ago?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: That we played in the final round, yeah. But we've played a lot of golf together. Just not in the last group on the last day.

Q. What do you remember about that day, though?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: It was a good day. Other than that, though, obviously I remember holing the putt there in the playoff. But other than that, I don't remember a whole lot.

Q. The last time the Aces won was London 2023. Has it been a frustrating -- would you say it's been a frustrating stretch, because obviously you guys were so dominant the year before and were still dominant early in that season, from a team standpoint.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, obviously last year was probably a little bit frustrating, and then obviously it's still early this year, but it seems like we're all four playing pretty solid right now. That's the key to winning out here is you've got to have four players all playing well. If you can do that, then you give yourself a chance to win.

Q. Are you surprised that the drought has been that long from the 4Aces standpoint?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, not really just because the competition is so good out here. The quality of players from top to bottom is pretty high.

To win as a team, it's really tough. Like I said, you've got to have all four guys playing really well.

Q. Obviously you talked yesterday about the injury. Has there been any -- from a score standpoint, it doesn't seem like there's been any lingering issues.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, body feels good. Feel like I'm swinging well, moving through the ball nicely. Hitting a lot of really quality golf shots. I was kind of leading into Hong Kong, too, and then it was just an unfortunate situation there because I didn't really do anything to injure myself. I think I slept funny. It happens.

But no, I feel good. I've got a lot of confidence in the swing, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

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