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March 9, 2025

Phil Mickelson

Fanling, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Golf Club

HyFlyers GC

Quick Quotes

Q. Phil, I hate to call your game boring, but for the last three days it's been kind of boring: Mr. Fairways, Mr. Greens, all that kind of stuff. I know you could have made some more putts, but you've got to be happy with how you're playing right now?

PHIL MICKELSON: Yeah, I've got to find another way to beat these guys, and so I hit a lot of fairways this week. It lets my iron play come out. I actually hit a lot of good putts today that didn't quite go in, but my speed was off a little bit, too, on some. I had a really good week though; I putted well, hit a lot of good shots, and like I say, I've got to find another way to beat these guys because I'm not going to overpower them. I'm figuring it out.

Q. Do you think next week is similar to this course? Do you think you need a little more length?

PHIL MICKELSON: No, we need more length. I'll change the setup of my clubs a little bit. I might even change the ball. I used a Callaway Elite driver in Adelaide and did really well hitting fairways there. I've got two that I hit really well. I'll probably go to one and get a little bit more pop because Sentosa there's a lot of drives you want to hit bombs, about five of them, and then there's a lot of holes that aren't driver.

Q. You've got to be excited about getting to Augusta. You've got three of them; I know you'd love to get another one. How excited are you for it?

PHIL MICKELSON: So that's actually right in my thought process. However, for me to play well there, I've got to build into it, which makes this tournament even more important. I played well at Adelaide, didn't putt well. I played well here, cleaned up some things, made some good putts throughout the three days, and then keep cleaning it up, get sharper and sharper and feeling that pressure and that excitement coming down the stretch, that only gets me more ready for Augusta. But I need to keep building and keep improving, keep fine tuning.

But I'm finding a different style of golf that is allowing me to shoot scores that can compete against the best players but just a different way.

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