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February 28, 2025

Angel Yin

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Angel, seeing that you had the same caddie from last week on your bag, can you talk about having him come here and everything?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, it was very last minute, and so Michelle kind of went down on 12, 13 tee box. And then I had my friend, just flew in, midnight Wednesday, to fill in. Then after I finished the hole, I was like, can you ask if Tom is available and see what he's doing? Because I remembered him saying his season doesn't start until later because he'll actually a professional caddie.

Everybody keeps calling him a local caddie but he's actually a professional caddie. Caddies on the Asian Tour and the senior Japanese Tour. That's why he has so much experience and that's why he helped me win.

He goes, "I'll call you back in five minutes," and then he said, "boom, I'm here." He arrived at midnight and he has more energy than me. It's honestly really, really cool.

Lilia can't was playing with me, and she was like, "Did you plan this?"

I'm like, "No, I didn't." Obviously not. Because I don't want my caddie to be sick.

That's all.

I mean, I can tell you more...

Q. That's perfect, thank you.

Did it help you a lot or how did you feel? What's your plan in the future?

ANGEL YIN: Say that again?

Q. Do you plan to have him in the future?

ANGEL YIN: I don't know. I mean, it's so hot, I can barely survive just drinking water. I haven't really thought that far. I just thought, you know, it's better to have him than -- Thailand is pretty close. It's only a two-hour flight.

I don't know if it's better to have him or a new person. I don't know if there's a reserve caddie or if they need to look for somebody. But Tom was on site and that's why it worked out so well last week because as soon as Michelle went down five minutes before my tee time, he was already there. I think the Thailand team has a lot of experience, and so they just had one on call like constantly.

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