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February 26, 2025

Jeeno Thitikul

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: This will be your fourth time playing this event. You've done well in the past with three Top 10s. Just talk about what you like about Sentosa Golf Club and being back here in Singapore.

JEENO THITIKUL: You know, I just really had a really good memories here because I think the first time I played in Sentosa it was 2018 when I was an amateur in women's Asia Pacific.

At that time, it's kind of tough decision that I made between playing the Women's Asia Pacific if I won, it get a chance to play in HSBC and two majors rather than play Honda this year. So Women's Asia-Pacific, so if I won it, be able to play majors, and also play HSBC after and finishing the top 10.

I think I just like the course, how it's set up, it just suit my eyes. But it's like memory is still good every time I walk up.

THE MODERATOR: And you had a busy week last week, top-five finish, it was your birthday and in your home country. How do you reset after that and prepare for this week?

JEENO THITIKUL: I just really want to carry on things to now. Because I think the moment I'm going is really good with the game, but I know last week was kind of a little bit sore and busy week for me. But still, had a lot of positives with the game and how I played, which I really want to carry it on to here.

Q. Can you just share what your mindset is at the moment? I think previously you shared that you put too much pressure on yourself. What is it like now and how is it different?

JEENO THITIKUL: I think now it's kind of like more relaxed, and then I think I'm just more like, if I saw some shots that I missed, or I'm not doing well out there, I just accept it.

You can't be good, like, every day, every shot that you play, or like, you know, it's just golf. It's just a game of mistake. But it's just like the lessons that you make, the good it will be. So I just accept the good and the bad better than before.

Q. What do you do to practise your brand of golf?

JEENO THITIKUL: I do like research and study about the psychologies a little bit by myself, and also listening to a lot of Podcasts while I have the time.

Q. You turned professional at a young age. How do you think about the development in junior golf in Asia has helped?

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, I think girls in Thailand, being able to play amateur Korea in national and on the national team is really helpful for me to grow in this kind of way to growing as a professional.

I think the Asian players that we have, and also like all the Amateur tournaments are getting better and better now, being more athletes from the women's side. And also, all women's golf, it's more important to kind of like the Asian fans. I think now, especially Thailand, I saw a lot of like new face in Thailand which is really nice. That's what we are looking for, more athletes, more talented players coming through.

And then also more fans that are watching women's golf, and also the prize money. The prize money is always going up like every year, which is a good sign for women's golf. As you know, we are good enough for them like to be able to come and watch us play because we are all good. I mean, LPGA women's golf is really good, in a good position.

Q. There's some very good Asian players among the women but the Asian men are not nearly as dominant as the Asian women. Why do you think that is?

JEENO THITIKUL: I think also the body is kind of different than the other American or European. The other women's side, not really see the difference about the body much. Just, yeah, we're shorter but not that different -- like the men, you can see like American and European, they bombs it, like bombs.

But Asian, if we want to be that, like, strong, or like that long of distance, we have to work, like, two times more than them to be working out.

Q. What do you think of the TGL?

JEENO THITIKUL: I just know LPGA. Can you please describe it a little more?

Q. It's playing indoor golf.

JEENO THITIKUL: Like Korean indoor golf, kind of things? Oh, yeah, not watching golf, sorry.

Q. I was just wondering if you think the LPGA Tour should also have something similar.

JEENO THITIKUL: I think should be fun. Should be fun in the off-season. I have been experience one time in Korea. It's just like a simulator golf. But it's not as good as what they play in that one. That one is just like hit in the simulator and chip it, putt it.

But I bet Korea have it. Korea have one. But you know, the schedule is kind of -- pretty tight for us already.

Q. What do you think is the key for you --

JEENO THITIKUL: It would be really, really special if I can get it. I think what is going to be the key if I'm going to get a win here, I think the putting should be the key. Because I think going for the green is not that hard. Like going for the pin, it's kind of -- you can be aggressive more than compared to last week at Honda. Like the green is kind of wide open, and then they have a chance to go for the green, like for the pin really well this week.

But I think it's depend on the putt. Because you know, like if you can put really well, you might have a chance.

Q. Singapore is known for the food. What are you going to try this week? What are you excited about?

JEENO THITIKUL: Singapore always good with matsutake and chicken. That's two.

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