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October 8, 2024

Rob Thomson

New York, New York, USA

Citi Field

Philadelphia Phillies

Postgame 3 Press Conference

Q. Your offense only scored two runs I think in the first five innings of each of these games. How much has that really hurt the momentum in the start of these games?

ROB THOMSON: Yeah, it's tough to get down early, but we have to fight.

I thought our bats early in the game were okay. We hit three balls early, just didn't have anything to show for it. Then as the game rolls along, I think at some point guys trying to do a little too much. We just need to stay with our approach and pass the baton, that's what we always talk about, and just have good at-bats.

Q. You guys over the last couple of years have been a team that grinds pitchers, works a lot of pitches. You've been having a lot of short innings. What do you think has kind of led to that?

ROB THOMSON: Yeah, sometimes it's about chase in certain games. But, sometimes it's the fact that guys are throwing strikes and you need to get good pitches that you want and be using all the diamond. That's what we always talk about. Again, not try to do too much.

Q. Did you say anything in particular to the guys after a night like this leading into tomorrow?

ROB THOMSON: I know it got out that I had spoken to the team. Basically it's just very simple: You come in here tomorrow, and I told them it's the most resilient club I've ever been around. That's what they're all about. They're all about toughness and fighting and playing together. That's what we need to do and just focus on one game.

Q. In the sixth inning, did that feel like the chance with the middle of the order coming up?

ROB THOMSON: Yeah, yeah. And Schwarber gets double off line drive. Casty hits the ball right on the nose. I thought that was possibly an opportunity to get back in.

Q. Would you have Wheeler available out of the bullpen tomorrow?

ROB THOMSON: I think everybody is available tomorrow.

Q. What did you make of Austin Hays' at-bats tonight and is there any chance Wilson is in there tomorrow?

ROB THOMSON: Yeah, we've got to talk about it tonight. Yeah, he looked a little rusty and a little off balance, timing was off a little bit. We'll talk about lineup later.

Q. Beyond the hitting and so forth, what do you think about your bullpen right now?

ROB THOMSON: Yeah, you know, they're putting good at-bats against them. I don't think we're executing pitches, to tell you the truth. I thought Alvarado was good until he got hit in the foot. He said it didn't bother him, but who knows.

Yeah, they're putting good at-bats against our bullpen, that's for sure.

Q. That sixth inning, did you think that was an uncharacteristic three pitches there for him?

ROB THOMSON: Yeah, I think that's just the situation, when he's trying to do too much. Trying to get the club -- put the club on his shoulders. And again, it's about passing baton and rely on your teammates.

Q. Nola ended up facing Alonso for the third time. Why do you think he lost his command there?

ROB THOMSON: I don't know. I don't know. It's a good question. But I thought his stuff was still good. Velocity was still good. I know he had walked the hitter before. But I felt like we had a chance there to get a double play ball out of Alonso, and I thought probably Nola was the best guy to get it.

Q. Do you turn a double play there if Sosa fields that ball clean?

ROB THOMSON: Good question. I'm not really sure. I didn't look at the overhead. Possibly.

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