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October 6, 2024

Bob Estes

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Timuquana Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Bob, you keep putting yourself there you're going to sneak one in, aren't you?

BOB ESTES: Well, I hope so. Yeah, I am still trying to figure some things out. I didn't play great this week but I managed the game well and putted fairly well for the most part.

Yeah, still kind of trying to figure few things out. My game is not quite where it could be or feels like it should be, but obviously this was one of the better tournaments that I played, so maybe I'm making progress.

Q. What did you hit into the par-5 on 15?

BOB ESTES: 3-wood. Yeah, 222 to the front but 232 to carry the center of the green. I was going right down the center, so 232 back into the wind. I carried it about 236 or so back into the wind, so about 245 yard shot.

Q. And the wind had kicked up a little bit.

BOB ESTES: And I had to hit it perfect or it was wet.

Q. Did you feel like you had to maybe force the issue?

BOB ESTES: Yeah, I was actually surprised my drive was down there as far as it was as wet as the fairways are. Maybe I hit it a little better than I thought I did.

So I was definitely needing to go ahead and try to knock it on and make an eagle or at least a birdie. Yeah, hit the 3-wood perfectly, and when Rocco made bogey all of a sudden it was game on again.

Q. How long was your first playoff hole putt?

BOB ESTES: The par putt that I made?

Q. Yeah.

BOB ESTES: That was about on 18-footer. Yeah, it had some length to it.

Q. Yeah, impressive.

BOB ESTES: Yeah, so hit that one really good. This one I just got a little -- I needed to be so precise with the line. I knew it was a slow putt, we were talking about, but then I got so into the line and getting it started right where I wanted to that I forgot to hit it.

Q. Are you playing everything from here on out?

BOB ESTES: Yep. Yep. Playing them all.

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