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October 6, 2024

Tommy Edman

Los Angeles, California, USA

Dodger Stadium

Los Angeles Dodgers

Pregame 2 Press Conference

Q. What is your threshold for turning around from the right side and hitting right-handed against a right-hander like you did last night?

TOMMY EDMAN: It's kind of just the match-ups based on the guy's pitch profile, see which pitches are easier to get to from the right side versus the left side. Usually that's reflected in the splits. I think that guy had pretty even splits righty versus lefty. Those are the two things that go into my decision.

Q. When you came over at the trade deadline, how much had you been looking forward to being part of these moments with this group? And now coming off Game 1, your reaction to how everything played out yesterday?

TOMMY EDMAN: We had a lot of great games in the regular season that got me fired up for what the postseason was going to be like. And the first game definitely didn't disappoint. Obviously the huge homer by Shohei to swing the momentum back in our favor.

And great environment in the crowd. Just a lot of fun to play that first postseason game. Hopefully we can have a lot more fun games like that.

Q. You played in St. Louis where we've heard forever they're the best fans in baseball. How do you compare them to Dodgers fans?

TOMMY EDMAN: Both fan bases are really great, coming out to support. They know the game very well. I think at Dodger Stadium, I think it's a touch louder. I think just more fans and kind of a different type of environment in the stadium, a little more upbeat.

I loved both fan bases and I've enjoyed getting to know the Dodgers fan base a little bit in just the past couple of months. It's been a great experience here.

Q. Were you surprised by the noise last night?

TOMMY EDMAN: Every time I've come here when I was with St. Louis, I always noticed how loud it was. It wasn't definitely a surprise, but it's nice to be on this side of things.

Q. The front office has talked a lot about how they coveted you when you were in St. Louis. What does that do for you to have a team that covets you that much? And how has the acclimation been for you?

TOMMY EDMAN: It gives me confidence for sure to know my skill set is valued. Seeing from the outside I saw how many talented players were on the Dodgers. Everybody that the Dodgers acquires seems to have a lot of success here.

When I got traded here I was just excited to join the organization and see how else I could improve upon my game. I feel it's been a good fit here so far. And hopefully I'll be able to contribute in a bunch of different ways. I think that's what makes me valuable to the team.

Q. I know you're facing Shohei at the WBC and now you're teammates with him. Is there something you learned, anything new, about Shohei?

TOMMY EDMAN: I think, yeah, just being on his team now. First of all, I'm glad to be on his team and don't have to play against him.

I think what's been impressive is him having the same mindset every single day. Obviously he's the best player in baseball right now. And I feel like when you're in that situation you can have the tendency to put pressure on yourself. But he doesn't seem that way at all. He's very laid back and always a great attitude and just excited to play the game of baseball.

Q. From a personal standpoint, growing up in San Diego, what's this series been like for you in terms of people you grew up rooting for maybe the Padres, for you personally?

TOMMY EDMAN: I've got a lot of friends who are still Padres fans. I'm hoping we can beat them so I can talk trash to them this offseason.

Q. You and I talked last night about coming here and guys welcoming you with open arms. Was it everything you thought it would be? Or what was it like when you first walked into the locker room?

TOMMY EDMAN: It's a little different. I was with the Cardinals for, what, eight years, I think. Those were the only people I knew, the only coaches, coaching staff and teammates that I knew.

It was a little bit different. The first couple of days I felt like I was kind of feeling it out a little bit. But I feel I got to know everybody really quickly. Definitely feel like I've been here for longer than, what, just a couple of months. And I feel like the transition has been pretty seamless so far. Really enjoyed being in this organization.

Q. Speaking about the Cardinals, you obviously played with Jack over there as well. Just knowing him personally what do you know about him that allows him to have that edge on the mound and will allow him to have a success in a game like tonight?

TOMMY EDMAN: Just a competitor. As long as I've played with him, he's always had one of the best intensity on the mound that I've seen. He comes out to compete, especially in those big games. He kind of lives for those moments.

I've got a ton of confidence in him he's going to have a great game tonight and excited to see what he can do out there.

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