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October 5, 2024

Rob Thomson

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Citizens Bank Park

Philadelphia Phillies

Postgame 1 Press Conference

Mets - 6, Phillies - 2

Q. How much of a stunner is that to see your two most reliable relievers get hit like that in the same inning?

ROB THOMSON: First of all, Wheeler was unbelievable. We haven't seen that type of velocity out of him and stuff out of him for a while. It's as good as it gets.

Yeah, it was stunning, it was, to see Hoffy and Strahmy give it up like that. But that's baseball sometimes. They haven't done that since we've had them, really.

Q. Do you think that could be because these guys haven't pitched now in a week, some of it?

ROB THOMSON: I don't think so. They pitched on Wednesday, and they threw the ball fairly well. I'd have to look at the tape. It's probably about execution, and leaving some pitches in the middle of the zone. The walk to Lindor didn't help, that's for sure.

Q. Not a lot of hard hit balls thereafter. What did you think of the overall events of approach today?

ROB THOMSON: There was some chase in there tonight for sure. We've got to get back in the zone. We've got to start using the field. It's what we talk about all the time. And just put better bats together.

Q. I think I'm correct, I think your offense, generally the same offense you had last year, has now scored four runs in three home playoff games counting back to last year. Do you see any similarities from last year? Guys like Trea and Nick are still struggling in that moment.

ROB THOMSON: Yeah. Yeah, again, we've got to cut down on our chase. I think that's the biggest thing. We've got to do little things and big things will happen; move runners, get on base, move runners. We had nine or ten base runners. That's not going to score many runs.

Q. Did you see the chase more a result of what the Mets were doing well, what the pitching was doing well, or was it more like the approach that the lineup was having?

ROB THOMSON: The Mets threw the ball very well. I think it's a combination of both. Again, we've got to be disciplined and get back in the zone.

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