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October 5, 2024

Bob Estes

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Timuquana Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Bob, great playing today. Let's start with this: You shot 31 on the back nine. Talk us through that.

BOB ESTES: Yeah, obviously I didn't play nearly as well on the front. Then when I holed that sand wedge on No. 12, that kind of got me going and made few more after that, so, yeah, played much better for the most part on the back nine as compared to the front.

Q. How long was the second shot on 4?

BOB ESTES: Let's see, we had a couple different numbers. I think 80 -- adjusted it was about an 87-yard shot.

Q. Sand wedge?

BOB ESTES: Sand wedge, my 60-degree wedge, back into the breeze. Landed less than a foot from the hole and hopped right in.

Q. Rocco said he's trying to win in each decade that he's played golf. So he's just turned 61 I guess and he's trying to add something in the 60s.

BOB ESTES: Uh-huh.

Q. I thought that was an amazing thing. How about you? Do you have any special goals?

BOB ESTES: I just like to win anything. Been too long since I've won. I'm not afraid to win. I just have to keep performing and get it done.

Q. You're going to play with Rocco tomorrow. You guys are a little bit opposite demeanor on the course, would you say?

BOB ESTES: Well, yeah, yeah. Rocco talks a lot. He talks a lot more than I do.

Q. He's this generation's Trevino.

BOB ESTES: I think he talks as much in a day as I do in a couple weeks. We get along really well and we have conversations, and, yeah, it will be a very comfortable grouping. I don't know who the third is. Ya'll probably know.

Q. Vijay Singh.

BOB ESTES: Okay, yeah, will be a lot of fun. As long as it's not raining too much.

Q. You hit a few more fairways today than yesterday. You made it a point to mention you didn't (indiscernible) a fairway yesterday, but you did a little bit better today.

BOB ESTES: I know I missed a few also that I maybe should have hit. Yeah, hit a few more. I'm not thinking about the stats when I'm out there. I'll go with that.

Yeah, still need to just keep hitting it. Yeah, more fairways, more greens, so you got chances to make birdies and not having to try to make as many saves like I did on the last hole.

Q. You miss your fairway by a little bit, doesn't really hurt you out here.

BOB ESTES: Well, yes it does. This is bermuda rough. You you have no idea how it's going to come out. May jump; may not. My only bogey today was out of the right rough on No. 8 when I thought it was about to be a little bit of a cut towards the flag, but ended up kind of falling to the left, kicking into the bunker, and didn't get it up and down.

But, no, bermuda rough in particular, you always want to be in the fairway.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

BOB ESTES: Well, I did, but it doesn't matter how much you have played and practiced that bermuda rough. It's always more unpredictable than some of the other types of rough, like bluegrass.

Q. Bluegrass just...

BOB ESTES: Well, it's a little easier to get it -- sometimes it can be thick, but it is usually more predictable as far as what the ball is going to do coming out of it.

Sometimes out of bermuda it might jump big or might not come out at all.

Q. If it's a little wet out there like everybody thinks it will be tomorrow, you guys have been around, by being on the Champions TOUR, that just means by definition you've been out here for a long time in every different condition. Does a little wet weather really bother anybody out here?

BOB ESTES: Well, the guys that don't hit it or carry it as far are affected more by the rain than others. Golf course could be softer with the rain that's supposed to come tonight.

So, yeah, I like a much firmer, faster golf course. Somebody like Vijay carries the ball is long way, and so she's got a little bit of an advantage in that regard over me and Rocco who like to hit it and chase it down the fairway.

Hopefully we can make up for it in other ways.

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