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October 4, 2024

Dave Roberts

Los Angeles, California, USA

Dodger Stadium

Los Angeles Dodgers

Workout Day Press Conference

Q. I know you've talked about how this past week you've seen a different type of intensity from your players. When you say that, what stood out to you whether performance-wise from these guys this week or preparation-wise?

DAVE ROBERTS: Yeah, I think that's a great question. I think I've just seen -- I guess it's part of being in playoff mode for the last month and narrowing our focus, playing 27 outs, being mindful of bases and how we go about each night. It's raised our level of play.

And there's a lot of talk about other ball clubs, and you sort of layer that in with how it's been the last couple of years for us. I think there's some intensity. Some want to pay some people back and show how good we are. And I like that. I like that feeling that's resonating in our clubhouse.

Q. Freddie Freeman, how is he doing today? How did he come out of the sim game yesterday? I know he was just taking at-bats, but how big of a step forward was that for him?

DAVE ROBERTS: It was a good step forward. He's working down below with some arms down there. He took some live at-bats. He'll go through his full workout today.

So I'm hopeful -- I'm expecting him to be in the lineup. What that looks like, I guess we'll know when we see him out there. But with Freddie, I don't doubt that he'll be ready to go.

Q. With Freddie, do you need to see him run the bases play first base to feel comfortable to start Game 1?

DAVE ROBERTS: He's going to do that today. I think it will be helpful for him, too. I think, for him, just making sure it's a net positive today, as far as how he feels and comes out of today, is most important and get to tomorrow.

I don't think there's any decision that will be made today or needs to be. Tomorrow, as we get into the day and kind of see where he's at -- but, again, I'm still optimistic.

Q. With Yamamoto, you guys pointed to that Yankee Stadium start, sort of a milestone for him to handle this moment. What do you remember about that night? And what do you think he gained, confidence-wise, to have that kind of night?

DAVE ROBERTS: I think that was probably, once he got his feet under him, I think that was -- I think I point to that because, at that point in time, I think the Yankees were playing probably the best out of anyone in baseball, and to go to that ballpark, which is certainly a storied stadium, even new one.

But it was just kind of an opportunity for him to kind of and for us to see how he was going to respond on that stage.

I thought he threw his best baseball game of the year. He's still seasoned as far as pitching in big ball games. I'm confident in talent. I think the heartbeat will be fine in his first playoff game.

Q. You're kind of uniquely qualified to talk about the progress of the Padres, even from the time they got good, because it's you that they see every time they get to the playoffs. The growth from, say, that 2020 series in Texas.

DAVE ROBERTS: I think with San Diego, yeah, I've seen it. I think there's the core -- Manny, Cronenworth, obviously Musgrove, who is hurt now -- but I just think that there's a confidence -- Tatis, obviously.

They've won some big ball games. They've always known they're talented, and they finally learned how to win. I think, yeah, I was there when they weren't so good and when they were good. Obviously it's a talented, fun group to watch. It's going to be a fun series, yeah.

Q. I wanted to ask you about Joe. Obviously you've seen him recently and you've seen him a lot. When you hear the devastating news like that about a good pitcher and a guy that you know, what are your thoughts?

DAVE ROBERTS: It's a bummer. Joe is not only a good pitcher, he's a great guy. Fantastic guy. And you never want to see that happen to anyone. It's unfortunate. It's rampant in our game.

So to be at the 1-yard line as far as in this series and for him to not be a part of it, it sucks. And I feel for him.

Q. Recent history, even though you just played 156 games, you just played the Padres last week. What did you learn, if anything, from your team out of that series? And is there anything you guys can draw from winning that series?

DAVE ROBERTS: I think there's a few series you can point back to that you've got to bow your neck, you gotta find a way to win a baseball game, win a series. That was one of them.

And I just know that there's toughness. I just think that, for me, it was obvious a big series. We won a series at home. But this is a team that's coming out of a postseason series that we've got to get it in gear from the outset. In a short series, things happen quickly. So we've got to be ready, again, from the outset. If we can do that, I really like where we're going to be at.

Q. Just to clarify with Freddie when you talk about being confident, having him in the lineup, is that the starting lineup at first base or just being available for you guys?

DAVE ROBERTS: Starting lineup. I expect him to be our first baseman.

Q. If he's not, do you think he could be available in a pinch-hit role?

DAVE ROBERTS: Yes, if he's not -- which I really don't want to let my mind go there, it would be certainly on the roster. Munce would be at first base and Kike would be at third, something like that.

Q. With Flaherty, did something change the last couple days to lead to that flip? Or is that just looking at the schedule, the series and what made most sense for your guys' pitching plan?

DAVE ROBERTS: Looking at the schedule, the series, opponent, looking at the potential of Game 5 and having both and just giving the optionality to see how things play out.

Q. Justifiably the first three guys in your lineup have been talked about a lot. But they're not the only ones. I specifically wanted to ask about Teoscar. He made a name for himself in the All-Star Game, but could you talk about what he's brought to the club this year?

DAVE ROBERTS: Teoscar, what has he brought? Certainly his availability has been next level. I think he's played in every game but a few. And one was the passing of his father -- or grandfather.

And the consistency of mind. He's a pro. He's not afraid to fail, which I love. He's played in big ball games. Wants to be in the spot. Can get a big hit.

He's just very consistent of mind each day, which is very refreshing for me. But everything I heard about him, he's exceeded that, seeing it on a daily basis.

Q. Is there any update on Miguel?

DAVE ROBERTS: I think Miggy Ro is just going to be status quo in the sense that he's better than he was a week ago. And I think where he's at is where he's been all year long. It's not 100 percent. It's something he's going to have to deal with. And he's not about to miss this series.

Q. Brandon Gomes said this, I hope I'm characterizing rather than playing sim games every day during your bye week leading up to the DS, it's going to be more of a progression to intensity going into the series. How did you guys arrive at that decision? And why do you think that might be the better way?

DAVE ROBERTS: It's true. And I don't know the right answer. I guess it's more of, with five days off, it starts to get a little monotonous when you're trying to have sim games every day to, quote/unquote, keep guys sharp.

So if you give guys a day off and an optional to have them potentially wanting to come back for more -- and three days is plenty of ramp-up and build-up. You're going to get plenty of at-bats. And pitchers, you only have so many pitchers to use that can throw. So I think that was sort of the mindset.

Again, you can do different things, but I think in our world we all understand if you win, it's the right decision.

So I don't know, our players feel good about it. I feel good about the head space, the eagerness to play in this series. So we'll see.

Q. A lot has been made about Shohei playing his first MLB playoff game, but this guy, he won a Japan title pitching in Tokyo. He struck out Trout to win the World Baseball Classic, one of the greatest moments in international baseball history. This is not going to be as much of a big deal as it might be for somebody else. But what does he add to you, the fact that you have him in the lineup this year and you haven't had him the past few?

DAVE ROBERTS: What does he add? A crazy talented ball player. He's the most talented hitter on the field. He can change the game in a lot of different ways.

Even if he were to get on base by way of walk, he can steal a base. He can score from first. He can hit a homer. He's shown the ability in this last month to use the whole field, to get a hit if he needs to. He can drive in runs.

That's what we're getting. I agree with you in the sense that he's played in a lot of big ball games, and I think it's more for us as fans to see that it's something that's new to him to see how it plays out.

But if there's any person that I feel that's going to be able to handle this, it's certainly Shohei. But I think he just brings a next-level mega star to our ballclub.

Q. So really in everything I and you just described, this is a guy who rises to the occasion and you don't expect him to do anything else?

DAVE ROBERTS: I don't. I really don't. I think that he understands the talent behind him. He can't do it all on his own. He's just got to continue to take good at-bats and play the game to win. And if he does that, then it's up to all of us.

Q. These games are obviously very competitive with a division rival. It's the vibe of your clubhouse right now, including yourself, unfinished business?

DAVE ROBERTS: Absolutely. I like that. I think "unfinished business" is something that resonates with our guys. Like I said, I talk about it, but we've got to go out there and be about it, talk about the edge, the fight, but I really do feel that's the mindset that we're coming into. It's an edgy group right now, which I think is a good thing.

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