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October 4, 2024

Joe Durant

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Timuquana Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Well, Joe, great playing today; 6-under par. Started on hole 10; five birdies in a row to start. Talk us through that stretch.

JOE DURANT: Just had a really nice stretch of holes where I hit some really nice iron shots. Two of the par-5s basically had tap-ins.

Yeah, then I kind of hit a lull after that for about five holes.

Finished nicely. Birdied No. 6 and 9 to finish the day which was good. I played really nice. Didn't really -- only had one bogey, a poor iron shot on the 5th hole. Controlled the ball really well. Hit a lot of fairways, and with the ball in happen that helps a lot.

Q. How long was the putt on 9?

JOE DURANT: About a 10-footer, 10 or 12-footer. It was a nice way to cap the day off.

Q. On that stretch on your front, make any long ones?

JOE DURANT: No, they were all pretty close. The longest one I made was on the par-3, 15. That was probably about a 10-footer.

Q. This is a time of year when you put your foot down on the accelerator and go to the end to you make sure you're well into the Playoffs and well up in the finish on the Schwab Cup, correct?

JOE DURANT: Right, right. We're all kind of jockeying for position. Obviously the guys that are way ahead are kind of out of my range, but I would like to finish the year strong.

Won early this year. I'd like to try to maybe pick another one off before the year is out. These are great tournaments. I love this time of year. This is my favorite time of year to play golf. And in Florida, too, so feel right at home.

Q. When you won Doral, Vijay was in the mix and everything, and he said that on a given day you were the best ball-striker on TOUR back in the day, fairways and greens and everything. Do you still feel that you got that ability to hit a lot of fairways, greens, and give yourself chances?

JOE DURANT: You know, I still feel like at times I still hit the ball really well. I don't bounce back as well from hitting it poorly. It takes me longer to get back into a good groove if that makes any sense at all.

Today I hit it really nice. Hit a lot of controlled shots. I can tell my skills have waned a bit though. I'm getting up there. I'm 60 now, so I don't feel as good in the morning, as most of us don't. I don't it as far and don't compress it as well.

Still, given courses and given days I still get it around pretty good.

Q. No way you're ready to (indiscernible.)

JOE DURANT: Nobody would hire me.

Q. I don't know. You know, just like retirement, some guys just go work at Home Depot.

JOE DURANT: Not in the golf business. Home Depot might be more fun. I don't know. I'm just enjoying the time I have left out here. Hopefully I can be healthy and play a few more years out here.

But this has been a blessing for me and my family to have this opportunity to still do this.

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