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October 4, 2024

Freddie Jacobson

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Timuquana Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Now, is this your first, actual first round on the Champions TOUR?


Q. Heck of a start, 6-under 66. First of all, just tell us how if feels to be out here with a lot of guys you haven't seen in a long time.

FREDDIE JACOBSON: You know what, it kind of feels like returning home again. It's been such a great few days meeting everybody again. It's been years since I've seen all the guys.

It's been a ton of fun, so, yeah, great catching up. The last couple of years I played on the main TOUR everything got very young. Most guys transferred over here, so, yeah, great to catch up with everybody.

Q. Have you been picking the minds and brains of some of the guys that have been out here kind of wondering what to expect?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: A little bit. You know, just when you can wear shorts, pants, carts, where is the first tee, where is the tenth tee, that kind of stuff, hasn't really gone much further than that.

Just trying to figure out. It's been a while since I played a tournament.

Q. Did you have any expectations? You got off to a great start with the 6-under today. Did you come in with any plans or expectations, or was it just kind of an open table to see how everything came down?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: Yeah, I just turned last week so I know I got very limited opportunity. I got very fortunate through Adam, Jim, and Tabitha this week to get an invitation to get to play. I played a Monday qualifier. Felt my game was pretty good; didn't really make any putts; didn't get through.

So to get that chance on Monday, I got so fired up about having the chance to play something this season. So I'm signed up for the Tuesday qualifier next week, so hopefully get two events before the season is over.

You know, it's a little tricky when your birthday is late. Just happy to be in and get to kick off a first start.

Q. How long was the putt on 18?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: Maybe 12 feet, something like that.

Q. Any other highlights, long putts, chips, chip-ins?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: It was a pretty consistent round. Only really had one blemish. Under-clubbed on a par-5, hit it in the water and made a bogey there. Felt like a two-shot drop.

Other than that it was really solid. You know, got a lot of chances. Few dropped and a few were close. You know, couldn't ask for a better start to get a chance to get into a rhythm.

Q. Did you forget to bring a hat and had to run to the pro shop to get one?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: No, I'm playing on an invitation this week. I'm kind of freelancing when it comes to equipment, so I thought it was nice a thing to do to play in the local hat.

Q. Did you just miss us so much you decided to come back over and play the Champions TOUR?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: Yeah, I haven't played for a while, since COVID, 2020. Played a little bit, but after that, haven't really played.

It's nice with familiar faces. You know, maybe it's slightly less competitive. You notice when today came around, everybody locks in and it gets competitive.

But it's been really nice leading up to Friday and good fun out there playing with Heath and Tim today.

Q. They're still sharks.

FREDDIE JACOBSON: Yeah, yeah. You won't get the competitiveness out of these guys, you know. I think everybody loves to compete.

But it's just a little bit more relaxed, so that's nice.

Q. What part of your game has come back fairly quickly, and is there a part of your game that still has some rust on it?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: I mean, today was pretty good all around. I would say I hit a lot of nice putts. Had a good pace on them. Drove the ball really well. Was in the fairway and hit it fairly far, so had short clubs in. Got a lot of scoring opportunities today.

But I think the key is to keep driving it in the fairway here. You can get a lot of chances.

Q. Is there anything that surprised you as far as how well you executed, iron shots, driving, short game, putting?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: Yeah, I mean, you always try to believe when you come out, and I kind of have to with these -- there is no point in not believing in it once you have a chance to play.

So I go out with full belief in my game. But you never know. You know, most days you have certain areas you struggle with; other areas that are better.

Today I was fortunate enough to have a pretty well-rounded game, which was a nice way to kick it off.

Q. What is your plan going forward for the rest of this year, and then are you going to try and go through the qualifying school?

FREDDIE JACOBSON: Yeah, I mean, I am working on getting my ranking better. That would be my main thing at this point, because I'm in this situation where I'll get into some tournaments and some not. It's a little -- schedule is a little blocked.

You play two, three weeks, a little off, so it's a lot easier if you can get yourself a full schedule and then pick and get some -- pick your blocks rather than have one here and one there.

So that's my main focus, is to improve on my ranking.

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