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September 28, 2024

Lauren Hartlage

Rogers, Arkansas, USA

Pinnacle Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lauren after her second round at the Walmart NW Arkansas Championship. 7-under round, the best we've seen so far today. Talk about how it went out there.

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, I was hitting my tee shots really well. I think I only missed the last fairway maybe, and so was giving myself some good positions into the green. With the greens being pretty soft you can kind of fire some darts in there, and that's kind of what I did today.

Q. How would you describe the course conditions you saw this afternoon? Saw a good bit of 4, 5-unders this morning, but not so many this afternoon.

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, I mean definitely more windy than I played yesterday morning, but not as windy as they played yesterday afternoon. So you kind of can take advantage of it. I just kind of played the wind well and knew how my shots were reacting today.

Q. This is a tournament people love. A lot of people talked about how much they enjoy it. How do you feel about this event?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, it's great. I get to stay with one of my best friends, Brooke Matthews, who just got back her LPGA card, at their house, so it's so fun. We get ti hang out every evening and kind of takes the load off of golf and just makes it an overall fun event.

Q. And earlier this week you participated in the community service we had, the food bank. How was that?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: It was great. It's always awesome to be able to help out the community, and to see how many meals we made in a 45 minute or hour session is pretty crazy, and how we can change the lives and help the people, which is pretty awesome if we can do that.

Q. I was going to say, we could have kept going.

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, right? I was like, we're already done?

Q. Heading into tomorrow, looks like you're about two shots out of the lead. Anything to set your mind straight heading into tomorrow?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, I think just keep the same game plan. I am not sure what the weather looks like tomorrow, but I am sure if you're hitting it well you can give yourself some good opportunities for birdies. Just stay patient out there. It's 18 holes, so you never know what can happen.

Q. How nice is it to see a round like this later in the year?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, it's really nice. The last couple months I haven't been playing as well, so it's kind of been a struggle. Just to keep grinding and see that the work is paying off is really nice.

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