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August 27, 2024

Madelene Sagstrom

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. We were talking about how the teams are getting together for upcoming Solheim. Kind of the strength of the European team?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I think, I mean, we have really, really good team. We all met up Sunday actually, so we got a little get-together, got to kind of hang out, just hear Suzann's thoughts for the week. We have a really, really solid team, some proper ball-strikers in there, good putters, good short game, really good golfers all around.

Q. Coming to the States, what would be like the secret, Kryptonite of the Europeans?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I played two in America; only one in Europe. I said I was not used to people cheering for me. I was more used to booing when it came to Spain last year. You just have to be strong. You have to be a grinder out there.

It's just it gets tough. You know who the crowd is rooting for, so I think that's when you need to have people and a team that will stick it out no matter what. Try not to let the crowd get to you and stuff like that.

Q. On the other side, the American team, what would be their strengths?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Just being on American soil is their biggest strength. We all know they're good golfers, but being on home soil is always really, really nice. It just adds that layer of support.

So I think that whoever is on home soil always has a little bit of an advantage, same as we did last year. I think that's their biggest advantage this year.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

MADELENE SAGSTROM: No, not really. It was kind of what I expected, too. I know there was a few people up for the spots, but it's like a pick is a pick. You never know who is going to get it. The only way you can make sure you're on the team is to play your way in. I think it was quite expected.

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