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August 2, 2024

Jon Rahm

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. Day two here at Le Golf National. Give us a sense of how nice it is to be back up there on the leaderboard and what was working for you well today.

JON RAHM: It's very nice to be back here. It's a fantastic golf course, a fantastic venue, beyond perfect weather. We are not going to see anything better in a long time, I don't think, sunshine and very little wind.

And it's good to come back to a world stage and put myself in position. The Open I was there, but I wasn't quite close enough to have a chance on Sunday. Even though I ended up top 10, it was never really a reality of winning it.

Today I put myself in position, and hopefully I can keep it going on the weekend.

Q. Was it nice to be out there representing Spain? Did you have cheers from fans and people supporting you as a country?

JON RAHM: Yeah, Spanish crowd travels really well, especially being as close as we are to Spain, right. It's an easy commute to Paris. Easy drive and you can even do train rides or flight, right. So it's very easy to get here.

And you could tell. There's a lot of Spanish crowd out there throughout the golf course. Even if you listen to them a couple times, a few holes ahead, cheering on David, as well. It was a lot of fun. But not only the Spanish crowd.

In general, the reception I had on the first two days has been larger than I expected. I don't know, maybe playing with Xander being The Open Champion and defending the Olympic Champion and another great player like Viktor, I just thought it might have been more than Xander but probably because we are in Europe and probably because of the Ryder Cup in ''18, the French crowd and Spanish crowd had a great reaction which was a lot of fun to be a part of and in general throughout the day the support was mind-blowing. Makes me really happy to perform well for them and on a stage like this.

Q. What pleased you most? Because there were a lot of before dies out there.

JON RAHM: What pleased me most?

Q. About your game.

JON RAHM: Well, today, was how well I hit it off the tee. I missed one fairway only. And it's not a golf course that is long. So you're not going to have chances, right. And if you put it in the fairway for the most part, you are giving yourself short irons in.

But overall ball-striking was really good. It's always fun to play days like that where you're swinging and it's always going on line and almost always going the right distance, right. It just means you're going to have a fun day, and a fun day it was.

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