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July 23, 2024

Minjee Lee

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, I'm joined by Minjee Lee in the CPKC Women's Open media center. Just to kick things off, we're back in Canada. Talk about what it's like to be back playing in Canada this year and if you have any experience playing in Calgary at all.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I played the last time we had the event in Calgary in '16. That was only my second year out. Everything was very hectic, but I remember just loving -- I mean, I love coming back to Canada anyway. Reminds me a bit of home and makes me feel a little more familiar.

So, yeah, just really like coming back. We always get a really great setup in the tournament, so...

Q. Just talk a little bit maybe about how life has changed since you were at Calgary last, how things have gotten different in the past few years.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, what was, what, maybe eight years ago? I grew up a little bit. That was only when I was like 20 years old. I feel like I matured a lot over the past few years, over the eight years; couple majors under my belt.

It's a little bit different now, yeah.

Q. 50th anniversary of the CPKC Women's Open. Talk a little bit about the history and what's it been like to see the evolution of this event.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I feel like the tournament just goes from strength to strength, and all the partners that have stepped forward to elevate our game and being supportive of LPGA women's golf, and even growing the game with all the Canadian amateurs who get to play, it's such a great experience for them, and obviously we love coming back to Canada and playing this event.

No, just kudos to them for doing such a great job for us.

Q. What would you kind of describe the biggest challenge for you is so far this season? Obviously some nice results. At this point of the year, what do you think has been the thing you've been trying to work on the most?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, very up and down year so far. You know, I've had a couple good finishes. Other than that, I feel like -- I feel like the score and how I am hitting it and playing hasn't really matched up and really shown in my results.

So it can be frustrating at times, but it's golf, and you just got to keep chipping away on it. Especially with changing equipment and things like that. It kind of takes time for you to find the right match for yourself. Especially changing balls and like doing a lot of testing over the year.

So I feel like, yeah, just kind of been going a little bit back and forth there trying to find the right fit for me. So maybe the results have not been as good in like comparison to previous years, but I know it's just around the corner.

Q. In terms of scheduling and staying mentally in the week that you're in versus looking ahead to the AIG Women's Open and the Olympics, CME in November, et cetera, how do you mentally compartmentalize all the other stuff and realize you have a job to do this week?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I feel like I just always try to come back to the basics and not try to overcomplicate things. I have really high expectations just like everybody else for myself. I just feel like if I get too ahead of myself and get lost in those kind of thoughts, it makes it that much worse.

So I think just trying to think about the things that I can control and trying to get that 2% better every day is always my goal.

So, yeah.

Q. What is sort of of utmost important for you? Obviously a new venue for the Tour. For you or anyone else, what's the utmost importance over the next few days to get to learn a new course?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, so I think just seeing -- obviously seeing the golf course and touching every hole. Just seeing how the layout suits your eye, the type of grass, getting used to that. I think every week it's a different type of grass and different conditions.

I feel like maybe the afternoons get a little bit windier here. Yesterday it was blowing a gale and I was like, where did this come from? I saw the water and I'm like, it's probably coming from there.

Yeah, no, I think just getting used to the layout really. Just kind of figuring out where to miss it, course management; I think that's the most important.

Q. One of the I guess new traditions since last time you were Calgary is the start of The Rink hole at the CPKC.

MINJEE LEE: Oh, yeah.

Q. As a player, how would you describe that to someone who maybe doesn't know too much about it? What sets that hole apart?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, so I've actually played with Brooke a couple times when they have had The Rink hole, and it's mad. All the people that come and cheer her on -- cheer on our whole tour, but especially Brooke; fan favorite here. So I mean, it's really cool.

We don't get too many holes that are like The Rink hole, so I think it's nice for everybody to come and support us in that sense, have a little bit of fun at a golf tournament like that. Yeah, it's good.

Q. So another initiative the tournament is doing this year is presenting the Audi Precision Award to the player with the most greens in regulation at the end of the week and a $20,000 check, as well as a matching donation to a charity, a local Girls' Golf charity. What does that mean to see the tournament put in place more initiatives like that?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, for us players it's a little extra motivation. Hitting the most greens is definitely going to help you have a better score, so I just think it's just really great and really important for I guess us to be seen in that way.

So I feel like we all are very appreciative of all the initiatives being put in place now. I feel like it's just growing and growing and getting better and better. Very grateful.

Q. And Adam touched on staying in the moment. You have to also be excited for the Olympics and what there is to look forward to.


Q. What are you looking forward to most about after seeing some content come out already of some people in the Village and things like that?

MINJEE LEE: I'm not actually staying in the Village, but definitely will go and have a look. I've seen a lot of Aussies post about I guess their rooms and things like that, just the gym and things like that.

So I'm really looking forward to seeing those kind of things. I actually went to play the course, so the course is in really great shape, and I think it'll be a really great tournament venue for the Olympics.

I heard that a lot of tickets have been sold, so really looking forward to how the tournament shapes up.

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