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July 22, 2024

Kevin Jennings

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

SMU Mustangs

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Kevin.

Q. I've seen you and Preston do interviews. What do you learn from him and what do you think he learns from you in terms of the game?

KEVIN JENNINGS: I mean, honestly, I learn a lot from him, like the leadership accountability, all that kind of stuff. He's a great leader. Day by day he teaches me different things, how to communicate with this player, how to communicate with him and all of that.

Honestly, what he learns from me? I can't think of much he learns from me, yeah.

Q. A lot of traveling coming up in the next season. How are you managing that on the field and off the field? Do you have any study tips for keeping up with your academics while on the road?

KEVIN JENNINGS: I mean, honestly, I don't really have too much knowledge about that, like traveling and all that, all the traveling that's going on.

I would like to say treat it the same as last year, honestly.

The academic part? I mean, just get the schoolwork done. I don't know (smiling). I'm a great student, not a bad student at all (laughter).

Q. We make a big deal about you coming into the league. There's been a ton of talk about the ACC. From a player perspective, how much does it impact you to be in a different league and be playing different teams?

KEVIN JENNINGS: I mean, it's a great feeling coming in and playing different competition from last year. You got a tough game week in, week out. It's really going to be a tough challenge. I'm ready to see how our team responds to that.

Q. Talk to us about the mental preparation it takes from being able to be the backup, be ready, are help out with scout team, Preston goes down and you're ready to go, talk about the mental preparation it takes to be able to do that.

KEVIN JENNINGS: Honestly I want to say it's a hard preparation because of the great coaches I have alongside with me. They prepare me week in, week out to be prepared to come in. You never know what's going to happen. Just always be ready when your number is called, prepare like a starter all throughout the year.


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