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July 14, 2024

Carlos Alcaraz

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

C. ALCARAZ/N. Djokovic

6-2, 6-2, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Carlos, you've defended your title. Does it feel as good as the first time?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yes. Yeah, I feel it was the first one. It is an amazing feeling for me being the champion here in Wimbledon back-to-back.

Yeah, I mean, it is great. I'm really proud and really happy about it.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You've got the Champions Ball now, which will probably clash with the football. How are you going to watch it? Is it going to be on your phone? Are you going to ask the All England Club to put it on for you?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I have the dinner that all the winners have, after all.

Yeah, I will watch it for sure at the phone the first half. The second half I will watch on the TV over there.

I can't miss it. So it's going to be a really big moment for the Spanish people. I have to just stay there. As they were watching my final, I have to watch their final and support them.

Q. How does this one feel different than last year? Last year was a crazy match. This one so dominant. How did you experience this feeling?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, honestly, as I said, it is a great feeling. Obviously it was a great match for me. Obviously Novak didn't play his best the first two sets, a lot of mistakes. I made the most of that.

Yeah, it is a great feeling even thinking about being French Open winner and Wimbledon champion the same year, that few players just done it before. It's unbelievable.

I try to realize that I won Wimbledon twice and try to feel that it was the same feeling as last year.

Q. There are a lot of statistics and facts about you being the youngest this, youngest that. Can you take any pride in any of that, or does none of that matter to you and all you think about is trying to keep adding to the achievements?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, obviously I've seen and I've heard all the stats that I am the youngest to win at Roland Garros and Wimbledon the same year, to win whatever.

I honestly try not to think about it too much. Obviously it's a really great start of my career, but I have to keep going. I have to keep building my path.

At the end of my career, I want to sit at the same table as the big guys. That's my main goal. That's my dream right now. It doesn't matter if I already won four Grand Slams at the age of 21. If I'm not keep going, all these tournaments for me, it doesn't matter.

I really want to keep going. I will try to keep winning and end my career with a lot of them.

Q. Roger, Rafa, Novak, none of them won four titles before the age of 22. Your career is on this trajectory. What would you be satisfied with? How many titles do you want? 25? 30?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, right now, as I said, I'm really happy with the work that I'm doing with my team. I'm really proud about myself, all the things that I'm doing great. I'm really proud about my people around my team.

Everything we have done already has been unbelievable, an amazing journey so far. As I said, I really want to keep going, to keep improving, to keep growing up, try to keep winning. That's all that matter for me right now.

I don't know what is my limit. I don't want to think about it. I just want to keep enjoying my moment, just to keep dreaming. So let's see if at the end of my career it's going to be 25, 30, 15, four. I don't know.

All I want to say is I want to keep enjoy, and let's see what is the future bring to me.

Q. Before the tournament you said Novak was Superman. What are your thoughts about whether you're Superman now?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I mean, I'm still believing that Novak is Superman because what he has done this tournament with a surgery just before a few weeks before the tournament begun. It is amazing. It is unbelievable.

Honestly, as I said on court, I was talking to my team that the work that Novak has done has been unbelievable. Put himself the chance to be able to play the tournament and making the final, it's something out of this world for me.

I beat him today, but for me Novak is still being like a Superman.

Q. Where are you getting better, and where are areas that you want to improve? Novak said today he'd never seen you serve that way. What are areas you think you can continue to grow?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, as I said, the first match I had a really poor serve game. I knew that I have to be better on that. The days off I was practicing the serve. I was really focus on the serve to be better.

I think I got better in every match that I was playing. Really glad that I had this serve game today because it was really a main weapon that I put in today's match. I'm really pleased about it.

Yeah, I have to keep improving everything, I guess. My forehand, at this level I think it can be better. Every year should be better.

I think my game in general I think can improve it and deal with the situations. I can't stop like this one. I have to keep growing up and keep improving.

Q. You and Jannik have won all the Grand Slams this year. Are the young guys in total charge now?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, yeah, as I said, I think being over there with Jannik, 21 years old, 22, 23 years old in the top of the ranking, winning the Grand Slams, I think it is good for tennis to have new faces winning the big things and fighting for the big tournaments.

I'm really glad to have him there. As I said many times, we have a really good rivalry, as young players that are coming up, fighting for these things as well. I think it's great for the sport, for tennis and I think for the players, as well.

Q. When you lost to Daniil Medvedev at the US Open, you said, Maybe I need to mature a bit more. Do you feel like you're getting to that place now? After you lost the first set to Tommy Paul, you seemed to fly after that.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, I learnt a lot from that match against Daniil in the US Open in 2023. Yeah, I had to be better. I had to grew up and be more mature on that situations.

I gave up a little bit. I remember perfectly. I gave up a little bit in the second set after losing the first one. It's something that is unacceptable playing in a Grand Slam. I knew that these things can't happen again.

It helped me a lot coming to the next Grand Slams, next tournaments to be better in the mental side, to be strong enough, playing best tennis in the close and difficult situations.

Yeah, I think I'm here right now thanks to this kind of situations that I learned about.

Q. It's the first time you win a Grand Slam final in three sets pretty easily, if I should say. Did you feel at some point during the warm-up or this morning that it was your day, different from the last times?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, I did it a little bit different than last year. Yeah, I felt like I wasn't new any more. I've been in this situation before. What I did wrong last year, tried not to repeat it, be better on that side.

Yesterday I was calmer than last year. For example, I tried not to think about the match or just a few moments watching some videos. But apart of that, I try not to think about it.

Today I think I did a really good warm-up. Just one hour and a half, one hour before the match I started to feel the nerves. Before that, I was really calm. Yeah, that help me a lot coming to the match.

Yeah, I managed pretty well the match. I remember in that last year final, it was pretty different things. Really much better for me.

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