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June 22, 2024

Akshay Bhatia

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Quick Quotes

Q. Felt like almost a call and response with you and Scottie there at the end going back and forth. What was that like playing with him, knowing what's going to bring and playing right there with him?

AKSHAY BHATIA: Yeah, it was fun. I was pretty nervous stepping on that first tee today playing with him, and I think it's kind of my first time playing in that many, in front of that many people. It was really cool. It was 90 percent Scottie, 10 percent me, which is all right, but it was awesome. For us to finish the way we did was really good because we were just trying to get done, and I think the pace that we played at and kind of the shots we were hitting it kind of added up to a nice score.

Q. With the nerves and all the crowd and everything you got to be pleased with the round that you put together.

AKSHAY BHATIA: Yeah, I think it's going to get easier from here. It's a different type of nerves or excitement versus when I won, when I was going into the final round. So I don't know what tonight and tomorrow's going to feel like, but I'm excited to be in this position.

Q. How much of that putt could you see on 18 in terms of what it was doing?

AKSHAY BHATIA: I mean, I do AimPoint, so I kind of felt the break, and there was a little dark spot that I felt like if I rolled it near it would have a good chance, but it was definitely getting dark that's why I had Johnny tend it there.

Q. With as many players as are sort of stacked up near the top and on a golf course where there are a lot of birdies and low scores how challenging do you anticipate tomorrow being to get yourself out there and get any kind of separation for anybody at this point?

AKSHAY BHATIA: Yeah, you're not going to separate yourself, it's just someone's going to play one shot better than anyone else. So, I mean, we'll see what tomorrow entails and yeah, it's just going to be a good challenge tomorrow.

Q. There's multiple major winners also like in the group with you, are you getting more and more comfortable sort of being in the crowd that you're keeping at the top of the leaderboard now?

AKSHAY BHATIA: I love it. This is what I dreamt about for awhile was trying to chase those feelings of feeling your heart pump and feeling your hands shake and all the adrenaline. It's something that I love so much. When you don't get that, when you're in 30 or the 40th, it's hard to continue to play good golf, but with the crowd and with Scottie and I playing kind of right there with each other it was a lot of fun.

Q. How were they able to get course ready are few guys to come back out?

AKSHAY BHATIA: It was amazing. It was pouring for awhile. I'm sure we got a couple inches. So the fact that the whole staff could get the golf course ready to go was pretty impressive. So, hat's off to them.

Q. (No Microphone.)

AKSHAY BHATIA: I don't know.

Q. Was there anything from that that you can learn to take into tomorrow or is it just kind of riding the wave?

AKSHAY BHATIA: I know I can do it. I know what those feelings are like. It's obviously a different type of tournament. Best players in the world. So it's going to be a lot of fun, and whether or not I win tomorrow or not it's going to be a good challenge.

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