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June 17, 2024

Josh Green

Dallas Mavericks

Game 5: Postgame

Boston Celtics 106, Dallas Mavericks 88

Q. Was there anything in particular the Celtics were doing on the defensive end that prevented you guys from being able to score a lot of points tonight?

JOSH GREEN: I mean, they just -- they came out aggressive, man. They were good defensively. They're a great defensive team. Respect to them and respect to the coaches for their defensive scheme.

Q. Now that the season is over, what was your take from what you guys were able to accomplish this season?

JOSH GREEN: I mean, it's been a hell of a year. I love these guys, man. Like, I mean, we put this team -- you know, with trades and everything was five months ago and to see the growth as a team, and it's different. You know, like -- I don't know. There's a lot of international guys and we don't always have family around and to be able to build a bond like this and to call the team family, it's awesome. To be able to do that in such a short amount of time is -- it's amazing. So obviously, we didn't get what we wanted, but I'm proud and everyone else is very proud of the team.

Q. I know this is a hard question to ask right after disappointment, but it's kind of going off what you just said, is this the most fun season that you've been a part of?

JOSH GREEN: Yeah, I mean, I think, yeah, it's fun when everything -- yeah. 1 through 15, man, like I couldn't -- like, best teammates. They're all great guys in all their individual ways. So, I mean, yeah, by far, man, it always makes your job a lot better when you have fun every day and to call those guys my teammates, for sure.

Q. You see the Celtics, they incrementally have grown, grown, grown, been to this step, and they finally got over the hump. You guys have been in the Conference Finals two years ago, now the NBA Finals. What do you think your takeaway will be from this final, having gotten to this higher stage?

JOSH GREEN: We got here and I think everyone's hungry now. Obviously, we didn't get where we wanted to, but it's not the end of the world. We know that we need to regroup and be back here again next year. That's the goal every single year.

Q. Obviously, it's expected the Celtics are going to chant Kyrie sucks, that kind of thing. When you guys hear that, just kind of what's the message from J Kidd and Kyrie in the huddle and how did you feel a need to respond to that on the court?

JOSH GREEN: I mean, Kyrie does a great job and he's done a great job from the moment he's got here of being a leader and being someone for younger guys, but also for everyone on the team. So, I mean, obviously it is what it is. The crowds can chant whatever they want to chant. When we're away, they're obviously going to go against us. He does a great job of not letting it affect him and I think that goes back to his leadership on and off the court.

So we have nothing but respect for Kyrie and we're not expecting the Celtics to be with us. We're opposing them. So whatever they say is whatever they say. But we all got his back, for sure.

Q. What's something that, as you look at the series, your team might have been able to do better or more consistently to extend it, maybe even swing it?

JOSH GREEN: Just maybe just physicality, coming out a little stronger or whatnot. But, I don't know, I really haven't thought about it too much. I don't know. My head's all over the place right now.

Q. You had your best game of the playoffs tonight, and obviously it's been an up and down season, but when you look at the development that you've made since the start, just how do you kind of reflect on that?

JOSH GREEN: Yeah, I don't know. I just wanted to leave it all on the floor tonight. I try to play every game like it's my last. But, I mean, individual, like it doesn't really matter at this stage. I really just want to win. Yeah, I don't know. We just didn't win.

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