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June 17, 2024

P.J. Washington Jr.

Dallas Mavericks

Game 5: Postgame

Boston Celtics 106, Dallas Mavericks 88

Q. I was just wondering if you could put your half season you had with the Mavs, kind of a summary into words.

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I think it's been great. It's been good since I got here. I'm just excited to get better in the offseason and really play a whole season with these guys and to have at it next year. I'm super proud of obviously being here and we made it far in the time being, but obviously, we have work to do.

Q. What happened there at the end of the first and the end of the second quarter? You guys were within one point in the first quarter. They ended up on a 9-0 run and then they had a 17-7 run to end the second quarter.

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: Turnovers. They got out in transition and made shots. They made a lot of threes. That's what happened.

Q. What made their defense so hard to score against? They seemed to always kind of be rotating the right ways.

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I think they tried to make us play one-on-one and not help as much. Credit to them. They did a good job. Obviously, we'll learn from it and be better.

Q. This half season you had this postseason run, is that the most fun you've ever had playing basketball?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: Yeah, most definitely. Obviously, being able to play on the biggest stages in the playoffs has been nothing but amazing. I'm so grateful for the opportunity and obviously can't wait to get better and do it again next year.

Q. Where does improvement come from you guys going into next season? I guess it's pretty obvious with a pretty young core, but what does time mean and time played together mean to this team?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: It means everything. We're still learning each other. I can't wait to get back at it. Obviously, we have a lot of growing to do, a lot of maturing. I think everybody's hungry, obviously. So I'm excited for our summer and see where we go.

Q. Kyrie talked throughout the series about wanting to play well against the Celtics team, given the history that they had. Just why do you think he wasn't able to be as successful against this team and what do you think he'll learn from it going forward?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I'm not sure. I mean, obviously shots weren't falling for all of us. So I think we watch it, take a weekend, learn from it and obviously be better. I think everybody is hungry, like I said earlier. It won't be hard for us to get better. I think, obviously, just us playing more with each other is going to be great for us as well.

Q. As difficult as tonight was, what do you guys as a young team take away from going against a team that's been together for seven years, on their home court and hustling like crazy to win the championship?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: We learned a lot throughout the whole series. It's a chess match at the end of the day, so all the little things matter. Every little possession, every second. I think guys are going to be hungry and everybody is going to remember this feeling going forward.

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