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June 13, 2024

Sam Hauser

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. What kind of feelings did you have when you woke up this morning knowing as a team you're one win away from your dreams coming true?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, it's exciting. We're in a great spot, but we're really just focused on the next game and taking it day by day. The job is not done yet, so still a lot of work to do.

Q. The word "consistency" has come from Al a lot, what you guys have been able to do since day one. How important is it now with what you guys are doing and going through as a team to be ready for this?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, it's important. It's really important. You've got to stay disciplined, got to stay in your routines, got to be good in practice. Then all that together leads into the game and execution.

We're just trying to be as disciplined and as consistent as possible.

Q. What has Al meant to the team?

SAM HAUSER: I mean, Al is just a true professional. He's one of the best teammates I've ever had. He's seen a lot in this league. He's a guy you can lean on for advice. He's seen everything you can see.

But really want to get this one for him. It's like the one thing that he just hasn't been able to get yet in his career, and it'll be pretty special if we can do it for him.

Q. What's Brad's role like on a day-to-day level around this team?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, he's always poking his head in. I'd say he's pretty in tune with what's going on. He's at every practice. I'm sure he's talking to the coaches, giving advice every now and then.

He's just a good guy to have around. He provides good advice, and obviously another guy who's been through a lot and seen a lot of things in this league. It's good to have him around.

Q. Do you have a best memory with him or something that stands out to describe your relationship or what kind of role he has?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, he gave me a chance in this league. I was undrafted. I didn't really know what was going to come on draft night, and he called me and gave me a shot with a two-way, and I just tried to make the most of it. Obviously I got converted up to the big leagues.

It's hard to thank him enough for giving me a chance.

Q. We've seen Joe go around before practice and have a conversation with you. What's your relationship with Joe?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, it's good. I think he has a unique relationship with everybody. I think he's good at finding one or two things to talk about with each guy on a daily basis that's just to keep the humanity in this professional world.

He's a great human. He really truly cares about you as a person first more so than as a player, which is awesome.

Q. You guys have had a lot of success, obviously. How much do you attribute avoiding complacency to the idea of mindset that Joe has really installed in you guys, not looking ahead, staying focused. How much do you credit Joe for that?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, he deserves a lot of credit for it. He constantly keeps us in check, tries to keep us right where we need to be, not too high, not too low, but right in the sweet spot. He's done a great job of that this year.

Obviously we have a great lead in this series, but like I said before, the job is not done, and he's definitely kept us in check knowing that we still have a lot to do.

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