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June 6, 2024

Keegan Bradley

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. It's hard out there. We know that. Can you talk about how you handled the conditions, wind, high rough.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, man is it tough. It's really, really tough. In is probably exactly how a U.S. Open would be setup if they played it here. So, it's a grind. I'm exhausted. It was a challenge, for sure.

Q. Are you pretty happy with what you were able to do?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Extremely happy, yeah. I think anything around par, even 1-, 2-over isn't that bad. So a couple under's an A plus.

Q. Every time I looked you were in the fairway.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: That's the key. If you hit it in the rough you're going to have to wedge one close. The rough this year is as bad as I've seen it. It sits way down, it's just brutal.

Q. Was there a time in the middle of the round where you kind of realized, hey, this is a little bit different than maybe a typical Thursday even at this event?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: When I was on the 6th hole today I hit one in the left rough and it was like, I got to whack this to just get this back out into the fairway. So that was -- and the pins were tough. Thank goodness it rained. The greens were soft. If not, it would have been really, really tough.

Q. The wind's blowing, can you quantify, like compared to other years here, it's as tough you've seen the last few, the last five?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I mean, it's always tough here. Over the last three, four, five years it's turned into a totally different tournament, I feel like. It used to be tough, but you could make some birdies, you could get the par-5s. Now you know single digits is probably going to win. Who knows, it could be 5-, 6-under, I don't know. Depends on the weather.

Q. You stayed away from high numbers. I see a lot of that today.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, you get out of position, you're really lucky to make bogey. So if you hit it in the rough -- I mean, if you hit it in the rough and you chip it out on 6 you still have to hit that shot into the green. Doesn't matter if -- you know, if you're hitting it in two, three, four, it's still a brutal shot and you can make a mess of the holes.

Q. Quick thought. We're one year out from the January 6th framework agreement announcement in this last year. What's the sense you're getting, now that we're a year in, are we getting closer or...

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I think a year later seems like there's a lot of rumors and everything's the exact same, so I don't know. I haven't seen a single difference since that day. I've heard a lot of things that could happen. I'm thankful for Fenway Sports Group. I have no clue what's going to happen with PIF. I hear a new rumor every day.

Q. But you're hopeful.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I'm hopeful. I would love to have some of those big boys come back out here and play.

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