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May 30, 2024

Andrea Lee

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome to the interview area Andrea Lee. Andrea, 1-under 69. Just talk about the grind out there today.

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, it was definitely tough out there today. I knew it as soon as I walked out of the hotel. It was gusting pretty good, even in the morning when I thought it was going to be a little bit calmer compared to the afternoon.

That definitely wasn't the case. I just knew it was going to be a grind out there. I mean, this golf course is such a test. It's a beast of a golf course really and par's a really good score out here.

Just tried to plot my way around the golf course as best I could and hit as many fairways and greens as possible. Managed to get a few putts to drop today so that was nice.

Q. One of the few birdies on 12. Talk us through that hole.

ANDREA LEE: Very tough hole. You're so high up and the wind is kind of swirling a little bit. When we played it it was off the left and I think it was almost a little bit into, so just wanted to clear the water. Anywhere on that green is a good shot in my opinion.

Hit a nice 7-iron to maybe the middle back of the green and made a 40-foot putt for birdie. So that was kind of a nice little gift there. I think I actually got a little bit lucky that I made the putt. I was kind of concerned it might go in the water from the back.

So that's a tough hole for sure.

Q. You have a lot of USGA, U.S. Open experience. What is it about this week and what do you need to do to be successful?

ANDREA LEE: I love U.S. Women's Opens. I remember my first one at Pinehurst in 2014 and I played with Michelle Wie in a practice round, and ever since then I knew I wanted to be a professional golfer. That's where the dream really started.

Yeah, I love playing in major championships. I think the U.S. Women's Open is probably my favorite week out of the whole year. It's just such a grind and challenges every aspect of your game.

Yeah, just love the grind.

Q. You just made that birdie putt on the last there. How good did that feel to knock one in and carry some momentum going into the next day?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, felt great. 18 is a tough hole. It's pretty long. Hit my second shot really well kind of to 12 feet and got a few claps but was like -- Bob my caddie, is it long? Like it was kind of a tough crowd. I thought was it really good shot. Slick left-to-right birdie putt.

I said, just give it a chance. If it goes in, amazing. If it doesn't, just give yourself a tap-in for par. It was nice to see it drop and end the day like that.

Q. Got to hug a couple USGA champions in Meg Mallon and Beth Daniel. Had a really cute moment with them. How cool is it to have them out here and cheering you on?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, it's awesome to have their support and to see them out here. They're legends of the game and hopefully one day I can follow in their footsteps.

I look up to both of them. I've known them for quite a while, since I was an amateur golfer. Yeah, Cognizant Founders Cup they actually gave me a putting lesson, so I think that might have helped me a little bit at Mizuho and today.

So, very thankful for them.

Q. For you, obviously golf tournaments aren't won on Thursday, but to get off to such a good start where does that put your confidence?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, the confidence is in a good spot obviously today. It was a little bit up and down. I had some bad shots, but everyone is going to have missed shots out here. It's a major championship.

So I knew the bogeys will be out there. Just waved them off every time I made a mistake because you can't get yourself down after one missed shot out here.

So, yeah, just stared super patient and played really solid golf.

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