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May 16, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, Nelly, 2-under; solid round today. Can you just take us through what you saw out there and what you were doing?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it played really tough in the morning with the rain. It was cold. I feel like it was a lot windier. The wind died down throughout the day.

So definitely a tough start, but got in it at -- through nine holes at 1-over, and then made three birdies on the back; made some on the par-5s. Played pretty solid on the back, so overall a good day.

Q. You started on 10, so what did you learn about your first nine, so the back nine today?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, it was just the weather was tough. It was raining a good bit, or drizzling. It was mainly really windy.

So just stayed really patient out there and gave myself some more opportunities when the wind died down a little bit more on the front nine.

Q. In your victories and good shows this year you've had all kinds of different weather conditions. What's the key to like you said staying patient and controlling what you can control?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, staying patient out there is probably the most important thing. Definitely gets really frustrating. I was kind of losing it all over on the front nine. With so many layers on and the rain, you can get frustrated.

But I think the first thing that you kind of have to remind yourself is that there is more golf to be played and that it's really important to be patient over anything else.

Q. Was there ever a point today you looked behind and said, where is Rose?

NELLY KORDA: We did see on, I don't know, gosh I think it was our sixth or seventh hole. We saw that it was a two ball behind us. But other than that, no. I really was sticking -- focusing on myself.

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