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June 12, 2014

Kevin Na


Q. Can you go through 5, what you hit there and that chip in?
KEVIN NA: The tee was up today. It was nice to see, so you can actually get past that corner. And I had a great drive. I had about 251 to the hole into the wind. I hit 3-wood just past the pin, I was in a good spot, but that chip shot was really going away behind the hole. You can easily chip it off the green. I saw Patrick Reed had a chip, and I saw how far down it went. He was at a different angle, but I was able to see that. And I clipped it just perfect and right in the center.

Q. What do you think about the hole with the tees up?
KEVIN NA: You still have to hit two good shots. It's a par-5 reachable by everybody. But that green is -- there's some numbers to be made there. If you go short left, you can hit a couple of times and not make it up. You can chip it down across from the right. It's definitely a birdie hole, but you can also make 6.

Q. (Inaudible.)
KEVIN NA: No, it was good.

Q. (Inaudible.)
KEVIN NA: Yes, because we were early, I thought there was some moisture on the greens and you were able to hold shots. Middle irons were holding, but I could see that the greens were starting to firm up. If they don't get any rain, it will be rock hard by Sunday.

Q. What do you think of your position?
KEVIN NA: Got off to a great start. I had an early tee time and I was able to capitalize on a good tee time. A long way to go. Obviously 2-under par right now, but at the end of the tournament, even par is going to win this championship.

Q. Any difference up there without the rough or does it still feel like a U.S. Open?
KEVIN NA: It's a little different, yes. You know you're at the Open, but you see no rough. It's a little different. It's hard to get used to. I think it makes the golf course a lot more fun. It tests all kinds of shots in the bag, and I think it's great. A little change.

Q. (Inaudible.)
KEVIN NA: Oh, definitely. It was a lot of fun. I hit it great today. I hit it well. I hit my irons great. The only thing I thought was a real mistake was I think on 14, I had about a 22 or 3-footer for a birdie. And it was such a fast putt and I knew. I got a little too aggressive and a three-putted. Besides that, I felt like I played great. I did make a couple more bogeys out there, but you're going to do that. If you miss a green out here -- I want to say I only missed three, maybe four greens out of 14 or 15 greens. I think I missed one fairway. Obviously my ball-striking was there.

Q. How far did you hit that putt by?
KEVIN NA: Six feet by. No chance coming back. Didn't even touch the hole.

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