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May 30, 2014
A. KERBER/D. Hantuchova
7‑5, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.
Q. How much better do you think you're playing now than when you started this tournament?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: You know, I think I'm feeling better and better from match to match. I think the most important thing for me is that I feel the ball and I'm back, I'm fighting for every single point. My heart is there.
So I think that's the most important thing for me right now, that I'm really fighting.
Q. You played Bouchard last year at the US Open. What do you remember about that? What about now?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: I remember it was a really tough match. I never played against her on clay, so I think it will be just completely different match against her.
But, you know, I think here at the Grand Slams every single match is tough. She played well the last few weeks, so I need to be ready from a the first point.
For sure it will be a very tough battle against her.
Q. Would you rather play her on clay or hard?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: I think let's play on clay against her, so let's see.
Q. There was a controversial situation in the middle of the second set where you seemed to be very quiet through the whole thing. How did you see that situation?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: You know, I actually can't remember what happened exactly, so I don't know who was right. I don't know.
I mean I was just trying to focusing on the next point, on the moment, and not focusing on the discussions with the referee.
So I was just trying to be in the moment and be with me.
Q. Hantuchova seemed to appeal to you to say that the point was stopped on your side of the court. Did you think for a second that you should join in that discussion?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: No. Actually no, because I don't remember who was right. I don't know exactly‑‑ I mean, when I will see it now on the TV I will see it, but I can't remember who had the right‑‑ yeah, who had the right things, you know.
I was just trying to not be in the discussion and just try to be with me. So I don't know.
Q. Did you sense that the audience shifted their preference of player afterwards?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yes.  But, I mean, I was just trying to focusing on the tennis match than after.
Q. Match seemed to be quite similar like the one against Daniela in Fed Cup in Bratislava. Did you see to the same way?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: I think it was both matches was very tough. I remember the match in Bratislava, and every single point was tough.
I knew before this match that I need to be ready, but I think I never played against her on clay. It was also a little bit just completely different than that Bratislava because it was a different match.
It was a different match. It was a tough one, but it was a little bit different.
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