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May 30, 2014
M. SHARAPOVA/P. Ormaechea
6‑0, 6‑0
THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.
Q. Could you say that you were saved by the rain? Because before the little shower, you made three double faults in the same game, and after that you...
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, I started off a little bit nervous, and I came back and I think she had another two break points when we came back after the rain. It was great to win that game, obviously get the advantage, and follow through with that.
I thought as the match went on I started playing better and better, and it was great to get that match the way that I did.
Q. You get Sam Stosur next. That's been a good match for you most of the time. You have both been playing well this tournament. What are your thoughts facing her relatively early in the tournament here?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, I think this is ‑‑I believe this is one of her favorite surfaces to play on and a lot of her successes come on clay.
Despite my record against her and my victory a few weeks ago, this is a new match. I'm sure, you know, she's ready for the match against me, and so will I.
I look forward to that challenge. She has a great serve, she uses the court extremely well, moves well on it.
It's a good matchup. I look forward to it.
Q. After the first three seeds are out of the tournament, do you see yourself as a possible candidate to the title of next Sunday?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It's tough for me to talk about favorites, because if I don't have the mentality that I'm the favorite inside of myself going into a tournament like this, then I probably shouldn't be in the draw. I like to be positive yet realistic, and there is no reason why I shouldn't be the favorite at this tournament.
I have won four Grand Slams, and I feel that when I'm, you know, in the draw of a tournament, I'm there for a reason. You know, I don't want to look too far ahead. But I look forward to whoever is across the net and to play them and to try to do as well as I can.
But, yeah, after you win Grand Slams, you expect yourself to do well in these tournaments.
Q. I don't know if you heard what Ernests Gulbis said this morning about his sisters. He was asked if his sisters, who play tennis, were going to be as good as him, and he answered, I don't want my sisters to be tennis players, because, he said ‑‑
Q. Yeah, you heard that.
Q. I was wondering what you were thinking about it.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I mean, I don't think we can take everything serious when he speaks (laughter). I mean, let's be honest with that.
I think he's great entertainment and we love to listen to what he has to say. But, I mean, of course, you have different opinions. In a way, I think he was joking, but he's playing the sport, so how bad can it be? If he felt so bad about it, and even if he's a male, I don't think he'd be playing it.
I think the sport brings so many opportunities to women. I mean, it's brought me so many things into my life and my career. I don't regret any step that I have taken.
I mean, but then, on the other hand, sometimes I wake up and think, Well, I don't wish this on my kids (laughter).
But then when I'm playing the matches, I'm in front of thousands of people and the experience that this sport brings, I think, of course I want my kids to do this, this is such a huge lesson in life.
Q. The previous question, asking you if you thought you were a favorite, I will ask a different one. Famous Italian broadcaster ends his broadcast asking the person, ask a question to yourself which you would like to answer and give me the answer. Can you do that?
Q. Yes, you ask. One question you would like to ask yourself.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I think over the last 12 years I have been on tour I think you've asked me plenty of questions in my career. I think you've covered many different subjects, so I'm happy for you and proud.
But I certainly don't wake up in the morning and ask myself questions that no one's asked me before. But good question.
Q. This is questions from fans. It's regarding your commercial that you did with Novak a few years ago when you're aiming for a can of balls on his head and you end up not hitting the can of balls but other balls. So the question is: Is that special effects or is that real?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I'm going to keep you guessing on that one.
Let me just say that where I aimed, where I was supposed to hit was not where I actually hit. I'm going to leave it at that. I'm sweating.
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