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June 1, 2014

Kevin Na


KEVIN NA:  He hit it obviously right, and I was trying to be aggressive.  Obviously the miss is the right, but when you're trying to win a golf tournament, you've got to be aggressive.
My miss is right.  So I was trying to stay in the shot and actually overcompensated if anything and pulled it.  And I was looking pretty good up there for a bogey, and obviously he deserved it with that great putt he made.  I was hoping I could get an extra hole in, but he hit an unbelievable putt.
That was not an easy downhill slope putt.  So he deserved it.

Q.  I know you're disappointed right now, but you played an amazing round today.
KEVIN NA:  I have to take all the positives.  I just got myself into the U.S. Open.  That's a big step, obviously.  This will probably get me back inside of top 50 in the world again.
After I got hurt last year, I was out all‑‑ so it's nice to be probably back in the top 50.
And a lot of good things coming up.  I'm playing well, so obviously I'm having a good year.  Hopefully I'll get a W soon.

Q.  Real quick, U.S. Open, just some thoughts:  you're playing well, confidence?
KEVIN NA:  I think it's a good golf course for me.  It requires a lot of good short game, good chipping around the shaved areas.  And I love chipping around the tight lie.  So I'm looking forward to it.

Q.  (Indiscernible) birdie on the last hole?
KEVIN NA:  It is what it is.  Obviously I hit a bad tee shot.  But he deserved that with that great putt.  He won it.

Q.  He got a little break, bouncing back into the fairway there, too.  I don't know if you saw that drive.
KEVIN NA:  You know, he played great.  He deserved it.  That's all I can say.

Q.  It's just hard to sit that long, mentally?
KEVIN NA:  Obviously, it is.  But‑‑

Q.  Not talking excuses‑‑
KEVIN NA:  No, but the thing is I hit a bad shot.  That's all it is.  I had plenty of time to prepare myself, so there's no excuse there.

Q.  How about the positives, like you said?
KEVIN NA:  Good week.

Q.  Open.  You don't have to qualify.  No 36 tomorrow?
KEVIN NA:  Everything's good.

Q.  Game good?  Just summarize‑‑
KEVIN NA:  Game's feeling great.  I've been struggling with the putter the past few weeks, but it kind of clicked this week on Sunday.  I actually struggled with the putter Thursday and Friday.  But it's coming along nicely.

Q.  Anything different?  Did you try anything different with the putter, or just kind of felt‑‑
KEVIN NA:  No, no, just keep working on what I'm doing.

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