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May 28, 2014
Q.  Is this one of the biggest turnarounds you've been a part of, and if you could single one thing out, what would you attribute it to?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, just playing harder, a bit more engaged on the defensive end. We're going to have to ramp it up a little bit more going into San Antonio, but we just focus on game by game. That's all we think about. We can't think about what happened in the past, including yesterday. We've got to move forward.
Q. Is that what you guys did this morning at practice then already? Did you guys already put that one behind you?
KEVIN DURANT: Yeah, yeah, it's just about figuring what we need to do better. There's a lot of things we need to work on, and we got to see it on film. It was a good film session for us. We've got to put it into play tomorrow.
Q. Talk about what Jeremy Lamb has been able to give you guys the last couple of games?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, he's just staying ready. He's a mature second‑year guy. He knows what his role is on this team, and he knows he might not play sometimes, and then he might get his number called. He stayed ready, and we're going to need him to stay ready, because you never know what'll happen.
Q. Is one more significant cutting them from 60 points in the paint to 35 in the paint, or out scoring them 33 to 3 on the break these last two games?
KEVIN DURANT: Just closing up their paint is the most important thing because they thrive off of scoring in the paint. Once they see that ball going in, they start to hit the three just because they feel confident. This team can beat you a lot of different ways, so we have to prepare for it all and be ready for it all. We know how tough it is.
Q. How do you guard against exhaling time, series, leveling it, versus the recognition that it's still the first of four and maintaining the hunger?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, we know what we're playing for. We know that the series is far from over, and we know we haven't done anything but what we're supposed to do, which is win at home, taking care of our home court. We're looking forward to going back home, as well, so we have to definitely be engaged and ready in order for us to go in there and win.
Q. Does your versatility as a defender help you with those rotations? You were like closing off the back side big last night and then able to get out to shooters, as well. How does that help you?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, just got to do whatever, whatever it takes. Sometimes I'm going to get it right, sometimes I'm going to make mistakes, but just making up for it with effort and energy. I could be better on post‑up guard guys and post‑up being in my rotations and contesting shots, but I think I've grown in those areas.
Q. What's different about your team going into San Antonio this time besides having Serge Ibaka?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, we know what we have to do. We know that we can't go in there and play like we played before, which was too cool, and playing it too cool gets you beat every time, so we have to be engaged and be ready for a dog fight. That's how it's going to be from the beginning, so we're excited for a great opportunity.
Q. You said during your MVP speech that Scott doesn't get the credit that he deserves, and you said he deserves a lot. Can you just talk about what he's done these last few weeks to get you guys in position?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, he's just always kept us positive through it all, made the proper adjustments for us, and put it in our face. We watch film. That doesn't lie to you, and it shows what we were doing. Just made an emphasis on just sticking with what we do, doing it a little better than we were before.
Q. Why do you think he maybe doesn't get the credit that you and maybe other guys think he deserves?
KEVIN DURANT: I don't know. I really don't know. But he doesn't do it for that. He's one of those coaches that just loves the game, that loves to see the progression of players and enjoys coaching. I'm sure he could care less if these guys give him credit.
Q. Scottie was a pretty feisty player. I guess when you're 5'11" you've got to be. We don't see that. He's always real calm and low key with us. Does that come out behind the scenes in practice, the feistiness that he had as a player?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, you could say yeah. Me and him get into it a lot from just going back and forth, but that's just a healthy relationship. You can tell how much he wants to win just watching from the sideline, how animated he is, how enthused he is going back to the huddles. You can tell he loves the game of basketball, loves to be out on the floor, loves to see his players work and grow. It's a great relationship we have, and I'm growing as a player and he's growing as a coach. It's just fun to see.
Q. Russell had one of his best games ever last night. One of the things that was overlooked was his 10 assists. Can you talk about how he's developed over the years, and when he first got in the lineup and was learning the position, how far he's come as a point guard?
KEVIN DURANT: Yeah, you guys are surprised, man, but I'm not. Just from his abilities and what he's done. He's had some great games in these Playoffs, not just this year but the year before. So I'm not surprised at all. I almost expected him to go out there and play at a high level every time he goes out on the floor. I'm not saying he should get 40 and 10, 5 and 5 every night, but play at a high level, with that intensity every night, we expect it of him. He knows that, and we're going to need him to continue to play that well.
Q. What do you remember about the early days when he first took over the team that first year and learning the position? Was that a big struggle for him?
KEVIN DURANT:  No, I wouldn't say it was a big struggle. I think it's an adjustment period for any young player to come into the league, no matter if you were a point guard in college or not, no matter what position you play. There's always an adjustment period going into the league, and I think with point guards it's a longer adjustment period because that's the hardest position to play in the game. For him just being a role player in college to being a point guard in the NBA, I don't think a lot of people gave him a fair enough assessment, especially because of the time period and how you need to grow in that position, and he's grown leaps and bounds. He doesn't care what anybody says, he comes to work every single day. He has to continue to keep working, and he knows that, as well.
Q. What does it do for the rest of the team when Serge comes back and you know he's hurt, and Reggie is trying to play with that sprained ankle? What does that do for the team?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, we know this time of year everybody has bumps and bruises. He's played almost 100 games already. He's been through it all. This is the most important time of the year that guys want to be out on the floor. You appreciate that about your teammates. Reggie wanted to be out there, Serge wants to be out there, everybody has little injuries here and there. Just giving your body up for the team is what we all want to do.
Q. Their defense like most good defenses more invite the mid‑range shot and try and run guys off the three‑point line and protect the lane area. You guys are really good in that range, you are specifically, as well. How important is that going to be the rest of the series, continuing to make those shots?
KEVIN DURANT: Well, I missed a lot yesterday. I think I got some great looks yesterday I think I missed, especially some lay‑ups and some jump shots, but I've got to stay confident in shooting those shots. I think all of us have to. We work on it a lot, and we know that's what they want to give us, but I think we could be aggressive in getting to the paint, kicking out, and just playing drive and kick basketball and also knocking down those shots. They're going to invite us to shoot those shots, and sometimes it's not going to go in, but we've got to stay confident throughout the whole thing and just know they come and go sometimes. Those hot streaks can come in a quick second, so we've got to continue to stay positive.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports