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May 26, 2014

Tomas Plekanec


Q.  In terms of energy, overall energy, and you take a look at the two games in New York as a whole, did you guys have the energy level and the urgency that is required for the situation?
TOMAS PLEKANEC:  I definitely think so.  I think it's more just we've got to start playing more with the confidence, making the right plays at the right time.  When there is a play, we've got to make it.  When there is no play we have to go for the puck.  Sometimes we didn't make the right decision (No Audio).

Q.  You guys made a lot of the right decisions and went in with a lot of confidence against Boston.  Does that mean that confidence shifts from series to series in your view?
TOMAS PLEKANEC:  Sometimes confidence is a thing, like I said, when you make some right plays, then it builds up and all of a sudden you can make those plays, but you don't just chip it in instead of making the play.  Sometimes it's the way we should make the play, and sometimes (No Audio) the goalie will forecheck and run the puck down.

Q.  Do you remember when you were down 3‑1 to Washington that year?  How does it turn psychologically or was the confidence always there?
TOMAS PLEKANEC:  I think when your back's against the wall, anything after that is playing kind of loose.  Just going out there every shift and going forward and trying to get, like I said, trying to do everything you can to keep the series going.  Like I said, I think the biggest focus for us is just to take it a day at a time.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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