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May 20, 2014
Q. Can you just describe when Henrik Lundqvist is on his game, how much his confidence is improved and what he means?
BRAD RICHARDS: Prime example last night. Obviously, we were a little behind in the first with what we were doing, and the jump was pretty good and kept things calm. Didn't look as calm probably as it was for us, but we were pretty confident if we could weather the storm with him back there doing it, it would give ourselves a chance to get out of the first period.
Obviously, we got a little luckier than we thought and had the lead, but that's your backbone right there, and that's a big reason why we're still playing.
Q. Off the ice is there a playoff mode to him compared to the regular season? Where's the intensity level?
BRAD RICHARDS: I don't think it's changed since training camp, to be honest. Game days he doesn't talk much, and he's probably the most focused, quiet individual I've ever played with in games. You just leave him to his thing and that's just the way he's always been.
Q. How aware are you where leads have gotten away from teams all series long? How do you sort of keep that in mind?
BRAD RICHARDS: Haven't thought about it, really, yet. It will be something that's nice at the end of the day to travel here, and a practice day tomorrow. But I think the message will probably be hammered pretty hard about our first period last night and we're going to try to correct on that.
So whether we have a lead or not, we can't come up and start like that again. We have to try to do that back to them in our building. So I think that will be the focus and get back to our game plan. If you do that and you give yourselves a chance, that taking the lead stuff will take care of itself.
Q. You had a pretty long stretch of getting a one game lead in the playoffs without backing it up with another win. Was there anything different last night? Anything tangible you can look to?
BRAD RICHARDS: Besides Henrik keeping us in it? We just won four games in a row, so that's a lot different if you take that stat. Other times you won, I know it doesn't look like it counts because we were down 3‑1 in Pittsburgh, but we just had four wins in a row, so I think we were in a better mindset of backing it up with another win last night and getting five. It was a new series, but it wasn't the same feeling. You can carry over from a series with the wins we've put together and how we come back.
Q. When you get on a roll like this, do you feel invincible. But do you feel like there is something growing here a little bit?
BRAD RICHARDS: Well, I mean, you get on a roll because different things happen. Whether one night Henrik, like last night, keeps you in, you get opportunistic goals, or something a power play. Got a bunch of goals the other night in the third period and you get some confidence. There are little things that you can go back and forth. But really it's forgotten about, and we have to really get ready for a great opportunity in our first game on home ice, and that will be the focus.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports