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May 7, 2014

Feliciano Lopez


F. LOPEZ/M. Youzhny
3‑6, 6‑3, 6‑4

THE MODERATOR:  Questions in Spanish, please.

Q.  You played at home and you've suffered a lot of situations in the match.  At the beginning things you were not working, and then you played a great second set.  In the end, I don't know what was going through your head.
FELICIANO LOPEZ:  It was a little bit weird match I think.  At the beginning he was clearly dominating the game.  I didn't manage to play the way that I think I have to play him.
It was very difficult for me to win the games.  If the game was going a little bit, I lost it most of time.  I needed fast points, but I wasn't finding the way to do that.
In the second set I did the break, and from then on I started to play a little bit more loose.  I went to the net more and started playing my game.  It's true that in the end with little bit of adrenaline and the people and the situation of the match, we played incredible points.  I guess we had a really high level of tennis.
In the end, as I'm saying, we suffered a lot.  After the seventh or the eighth match point I managed to close the match.  I think that except for one where I couldn't reply and I sent it into the net, the rest of it was really inspired.
I think the way I closed match was a good way to close it.  I managed to close it during my serve.  That's what I had to do and I did it.

Q.  Now Dominic Thiem.  It was going to be Wawrinka in that round.  I don't know if you want to say something about the draw.  Maybe it has opened a little bit more without Djokovic, Federer, Wawrinka.  Do you prefer to do match after match and focus on this young player?
FELICIANO LOPEZ:  Well, when such a good player loses it's because of something.  Thiem is a very good player.  If I'm not wrong, he's the youngest player in the top 100.  He's been playing really well all year.  If he has beaten Wawrinka, it's because of something.
Tomorrow I am expecting a really tough match, as was today's.  Perhaps a little bit different because I don't know him enough.  Wawrinka, I know him since‑‑ I know how he plays.  I know other things.  But Thiem, I really don't know much about him.  I haven't seen him play a lot.
But I'm expecting a really tough match like today's match, and another battle.  Hopefully it's going to be a good match and I'll be able to win.
Sometimes you think because you're playing against the player that has killed a favorite, the draw is a little more open.  Sometimes that can be an error.  I think Thiem is up there because of something, and tomorrow it's going to be a really tough match.

Q.  Congrats on your victory.  You were talking about Thiem just now.  Of course it's a special occasion to make it to the quarterfinals.  How do you see the rest of the draw, taking into account three of big names aren't here?  Can you and Ferrer win here and beat Rafa?
FELICIANO LOPEZ:  You're thinking too much.  We're just in the third round.  Well, we're looking too far away.  I think that in Masters 1000 like this one, I just don't look further than tomorrow.
Tomorrow I have a match against Thiem.  It could have been against Wawrinka and it's not that way because Thiem beat him.  I'm not thinking of Djokovic or Federer not being here or the fact that Wawrinka lost.  I'm not thinking about those things.
These are the circumstances of the tournament.  Federer was dad yesterday; Djokovic has the wrist.  You know, he's not at his best level.  He's not at 100%.  There will still be a winner this week.  I can't tell you who it's going to be.
Rafa is the favorite here, but anything can happen.  After my match tomorrow, I don't like to look further.  I'm not one of those that look at the draw and think, I've been playing against Wawrinka so I play against that one or the other.
I don't think about the draw that way.  Tomorrow I have a really tough match against a 20‑year‑old guy that has nothing to lose.  I think you have to go step by step and that's all.

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