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April 24, 2014

Doug LaBelle


Q.  A good surprise for you, huh, after the way you got in and everything?
DOUG LABELLE II:  Yeah, just to be in the field I feel pretty lucky.  Unfortunately, Fred's knee wasn't doing too good, and I got to take his place.  So unfortunate for him, but very lucky for me.  So just glad to be here.

Q.  Where were you on the list?  You were here, obviously.
DOUG LABELLE II:  Yeah, I was here.  I tried to Monday qualify and didn't qualify, and came out here and practiced and played, and got ready to go.  If nobody was‑‑ if everybody was feeling good on Wednesday night, then I was leaving to go play the Webb event this week.

Q.  Lowest round on the TOUR this year for you?
DOUG LABELLE II:  Yeah, there hasn't been very many rounds.  Yes, yeah, probably.

Q.  Are you surprised, Doug, at today's round?  Did you see it coming at all?
DOUG LABELLE II:  Yeah, I mean, I certainly tee to green hit some good shots, hit some wayward ones, but I putted great today.  On a course like this, that is a huge key.  You obviously need to hit it well.  But I putted great today and took advantage of all the opportunities that I had.

Q.  How many Classics have been you been in here?
DOUG LABELLE II:  I believe this is my fourth.  Third or fourth, I'm not for sure.

Q.  I'm interested in hole No. 2, how was that?  I know they made some changes to that.
DOUG LABELLE II:  Yeah, they just redid the green and made it a little bit bigger.  Gave it a few more hole locations, more options, and a little more fair to hit maybe in two.  I made par there, but it's a golf course I've just got to pick my spots and thankfully I putted well today.

Q.  Was there one hole that kept you in the round, kept you going, was there one hole, one shot or anything that made you feel good about where you were going early?
DOUG LABELLE II:  No, I mean, this is a tough course for me because there is some trouble on the left, and my misses‑‑ if I miss, it's left.  So I'm very cautious, and obviously, Pete Dye's courses make you feel uncomfortable anyway.  So there wasn't really any one particular.  I just tried to play really smart.  I just tried to give myself as many birdie putts as possible, because I knew I was rolling the ball well.

Q.  Relatively benign conditions in the morning for you?
DOUG LABELLE II:  This is as quiet as I've ever seen it.  I'm not usually first guy out.  I'm usually last guy out, so it was nice to have some fresh greens for the first nine holes.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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