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April 11, 2014
Q. Safe to say you're going to make the cut. Did you do anything differently today?
KEVIN STREELMAN: You know, you learn a little bit more here each time you come, and I really tried to focus on where to leave myself and where to not leave myself, as well. And just played really smart and putted well. And really had some nice up‑and‑downs, particularly yesterday.
And today drove it great and hit it where I needed to on the greens and gave myself some looks and made a few putts.
Q. How was it the first group out?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It was really nice. It was very cold, obviously. But to get off, I knew the wind was going to pick up this afternoon and the greens are always beautiful here. But to be the first ones on the greens here, especially, makes for a lot easier putting.
Q. This morning, Kevin suggests, is the hardest the course has been. Did you feel that?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I thought the pins yesterday were extremely difficult. Today were maybe very difficult, not quite as difficult as yesterday. But the wind is going to be more a problem today. So we'll just see what happens this afternoon.
Q. Do you notice there's a feeling the greens are a bit thinner because of the storm and the wind may be‑‑
KEVIN STREELMAN: Maybe. It really does swirl here. You try and go off a compass, and today was south/southwest, you try to do that all day.  A shot on 9, was supposed to be hurting a little, I had a beautiful 6‑iron that flew much farther than I thought it would. And just got a gust downwind, and it's just going to happen out here to everybody. You try and keep it in front of you and leave it in the right places to either make a birdie or to save par.
Q. It seems that you're feeling‑‑ just don't make mistakes as opposed to being aggressive?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, I think Sunday out here will be the day they set the pins for birdies. Tomorrow‑‑ they use tomorrow for a day they can control the scores a little bit better. And we'll see what they think of today's scores. But I think people want to see some birdies on the weekend. But the weather looks awesome here Saturday and Sunday.
Q. What are some of the things you picked up your previous trips here that make you feel more comfortable out there?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Certain angles to get to pin locations. Like today on 13 I ended up hitting a poor wedge shot.  But I tried to go almost pin‑high on the layup so you don't have to deal with as much of the bank and you can kind of shoot straight up the hill. That's kind of one.
7, if you hit it in the trees and the pin is left, you've got to chip it way right. If the pin is right like it is today, you have to chip it way left to get the angle off the hill. Stuff like that. That just takes a few times that McKenzie was so brilliant at. When I saw Royal Melbourne at the World Cup, the same thing down there. It's fun to play a golf course that's that well thought out.
Q. When you're here first thing in the morning there's not much time to chitchat?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, we were pretty much just going. D.A. and I are friends and we both are from Illinois and grew up playing junior golf together. So it's a very easy round for us. But it was nice to get out on those fresh greens and the wind was down. It was a little cold. Nice to get the sweater off on the back nine.
It's nice to be in the house under par.
Q. How was the experience with having the junior golfer, and I guess, was it his mom?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, his mom ended up coming in. I was really bummed any mom wasn't feeling well. Fortunately she's doing well now. But might as well try and get some kids here who have never been here before. That's one of my favorite things, get a few tickets and give them to people who haven't been here before, because it means a lot to them. I remember my first time vividly, I was here, and it was one of most inspirational moments of my life.
Q. How old were you?
KEVIN STREELMAN: 22. It was my senior year of college, we played Augusta State's tournament and they gave us a Monday practice round ticket. So we came here Monday morning, and it was like it blew me away.
And it was exactly ten years to the day later was my first Masters in '11. So that was 2001. And then that night in 2001 Duke won the national championship. That was a pretty good party. It was a good 24 hours.
Q. I was just going to ask you if you could give a little more detail, was it one child you gave a ticket to?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I yeah. I just put it on Twitter. It's amazing with Twitter, social media, and I started getting people flowing in with all of those responses. One was, I'm a 41 year old kid (laughter).
It was fun to see that. A guy in Charleston, Harrison Stafford I think is his name, he got back to me and said my mom could make it. I think he pulled his mom out of work, and they just kind of made the move.
Q. Do you know old he is?
KEVIN STREELMAN: 17. He's a high school golfer. Going to collegeI think at Coastal Carolina next year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports