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March 24, 2014

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/D. Istomin
6‑1, 6‑0

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  It was a very good match for you, obviously, finishing in just under an hour.  How sharp did you feel out there?
RAFAEL NADAL:  Good.  I think I played a very complete match in general.

Q.  Just talk about how well you played today.
RAFAEL NADAL:  Yes, I think, as I said before, I played a very complete match.  Talking about the things that you can do well in the tennis court, today I think I did the most ‑‑not every one because not match is perfect, but I did a lot of things very well.  No mistakes, serving with good percentage, and playing a lot of winners.
My movements were better than what I did last event events.  That's a very important thing for me.  I am happy to be in that fourth round, winning not against an easy opponent like Istomin, a tough one, that way.  It's impossible win with that result if I don't play well.

Q.  I wanted to ask you about Bautista and Fognini, either one.  Can you talk about your lineup with either one?

Q.  If you could talk about your next opponent.
RAFAEL NADAL:  He's an opponent, very uncomfortable opponent.  He's an opponent that is playing great.  He has an amazing talent.  Great forehand, great backhand, especially the forehand, but he's able to hit winners from every part of the court.
So he's an opponent sometimes that can be unpredictable, and is difficult to play against these kind of players ‑ especially when they are playing well and Fognini is playing well.
I need to try to let him play with‑‑ if he wants to play, try to find the winners, and I need to try to let him play from not easy positions.  If he's playing with comfortable positions will be very difficult for me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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