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March 23, 2014

Na Li


N. LI/M. Keys
7‑6, 6‑3

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  Not a bad match.  Obviously you got through a scary part of the first set.  How important were those big points?
NA LI:  I think it was pretty tough match.  I think she play well, big serve, big forehand, especially when she was like 3‑1 down and then come back 5‑3‑up and serve for the first set.
During that time I didn't think about too much.  I say, Okay, try to hit the ball, try to do what you have to do, and I think the, how you say, save the set point was give me a not lot, but at least I was still on the first set.
So I think this was maybe change the match a little bit, because after that I was feeling she's drop a little bit.

Q.  Is it easy for you to learn how to stop thinking?  Is that easy?
NA LI:  Sometime you thinking too much and you are too busy about yourself.  But against opponent, same time you have to against yourself, as well.
Yeah, so sometimes it's like, Don't thinking at all.  Just go there.

Q.  You were once a player like her, coming up, new, young.  Life is complicated for a young person sometimes.  Do you sympathize with her and what she's going through, trying to learn how to organize your game and how to play better?
NA LI:  I think when I was same age like her‑‑ I think she's much, much better than me, because, you know, Americans have a long history about tennis.
So she was learn tennis in America, so they have high, how do you say, high goal to have Serena, Venus, and even before, Lindsay Davenport.  They have so many tennis star in America.  So they looking forward for No. 1 in the world.
But for us, you know, tennis in China still is like still short time.  Like I was start to learn tennis for my mind.  I think top 10 is like huge, yeah, because we have different goal.
But I think now for Chinese children is different, because now they see, Oh, Chinese tennis player also can doing well.
Yeah, I think she will be very good in the future.  Yeah.

Q.  You have played her a couple times last year.
NA LI:  Yeah.

Q.  Have you noticed any changes in her game?
NA LI:  Serve was more heavier.  Today I was a little bit surprised, because I know she has a huge, big serve.
But I was feeling now even more heavier, you know.  Yeah.

Q.  Do you think the weather today was a bit too harsh for you for the game, for the match?
NA LI:  No.  Normally I like the weather.  I have to say, compare for Indian Wells, I want more like humid.  Yeah.

Q.  Which do you like more, the quiet of Indian Wells or the sort of big city of Miami?
NA LI:  Different feeling.  I think here for me is like party city (smiling).
When I was be here Sunday, last Sunday, I was like Wow, and they have like bars and the music is so loud.  Because now in our hotel pool, they have like party.  How I can get sleep?  But lucky there until 9:30 and they stop.  I was like, Oh, finally I can sleep.

Q.  Are you a big partier generally?
NA LI:  When I was young, yes.  But now...  (Smiling).

Q.  Now you're not allowed to anymore?
NA LI:  No, because when young you like to try like every like new thing.
But if you already know what happen, you say, Okay, enough.  For me is very tough to be in the, like, same situation like before.

Q.  Isn't it more boring this way?
NA LI:  No.  Was okay.  Like, you know, after drunk, everything was okay (smiling).

Q.  So you have your fingernails painted.
NA LI:  Yeah.

Q.  What's up with this finger?  Why is that orange?
NA LI:  No, because the funny thing is I was doing in I think Friday.  I ask the lady.  I say, Can I just do like simple like French.  She say, This is the only thing I know how to do it (smiling).
So I was like, Okay, what I should do?  Then I was look my shoes, and then one friend say, Oh, the blue was pretty nice.  Then I saw ‑‑I think my match was like blue with orange.
So I say, Maybe I should do one orange.  So I just do that.  Yeah.

Q.  Have you ever tried to do that before, match your nails to your outfit?
NA LI:  Because I was try to play first match, but so sad because the opponent was withdraw.
So after practice, I was like, What I can do?  Okay, I just go there and to try to make it.

Q.  To a nail salon?
NA LI:  If I was in China I would do every week to see different.  You know, make me a little bit happier (smiling).

Q.  Have you ever talked to Serena about nails?  She's like a certified professional nail person.
NA LI:  I think the professional for the tour is Radwanska.  I think she do pretty.  Really.  She do herself.

Q.  She could give you French nails.
NA LI:  I will ask her next time (smiling).

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