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March 23, 2014
Q. First ever PGA TOUR victory in his 93rd start out here on the world's grandest stage. We could see the emotion inside of you and pouring out of you coming down the stretch. Explain to people how difficult is it to win out here.
MATT EVERY: It's hard, I'm telling you. It's tough, man, you just never know if it's going to happen. I've been there so many times. It's nice to get it.
Q. You grew up about an hour from here in Daytona Beach. You used to come here as a child. What does it mean to you that this event is your first win?
MATT EVERY: It's really cool. I've been close. I got a ton of looks. And I kept telling me maybe it's going to be somewhere special, you know. This is really cool that‑‑ I still can't believe it.
Q. You're always such a stoic guy on and off the golf course. Here you are showing all of the emotion coming out of you right now. What were you thinking as you were coming down the stretch out there?
MATT EVERY: I was pretty focused. I really was. And I hit a lot of good shots. 17 was perfect. I took a conservative line. I smoked it. And I guess I had the wind.
18 was the same thing. I couldn't hit that ball any better than the line I was in. The putt, that was a bummer, would have been cool to sink it, but I'll take it.
Q. What's it feel like now that it's Arnold's place?
MATT EVERY: It's a relief. I'm glad it's over. I tell you, I just took what it gave me today. I didn't drive it great. I made a ton of putts. It just worked out.
Q. It did work out. And there were a few moments out there coming down the stretch where it might not have.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, it was dicey.
16 I was pitching out, and that tree is like six inches wide and it hit dead in the center and it went directly behind me. Even if it hits it and kicks either way that's fine. I can at least have a shot on the green. So that was a bummer having to almost play for bogey after that.
And then 17 I hit a really good shot in there. And I must have had the wind wrong. I hit a great bunker shot. I know it was moving, but it hit the dead center of the pin.
And then 18, again, I hit a‑‑ I smoked it right on my line and over the green, but it worked out.
Q.  It did work out. Chasing the lead and then you got the lead. What was the difference once you had the lead in managing yourself around this golf course?
MATT EVERY: I really didn't know‑‑ I knew I was up there and then on 16 I knew I had the lead. I didn't know by how much. And I didn't want to know. And I just figured I'd hit driver and if it hit the right bunker and if the wind took it back, great. But I blocked it and tried to lose the tournament.
But I really didn't look at any leaderboards today. I looked on the last hole pretty good. But, hey, it worked out.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports