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March 22, 2014

Jessica Korda


THE MODERATOR:  I am now joined by Jessica Korda, shot a 66 today, really solid round, second straight day without any bogeys, talk about your consistency this week and how you've been able to stay out of trouble.
JESSICA KORDA:  You know, the golf course is just set up so beautifully, so as long as you hit fairways and greens, you're just fine.  The greens, certain greens are faster than others, depending on if you're downgrain or into the grain.  Golf course is just beautiful, so it's a pleasure to play.
THE MODERATOR:   A lot of low scores, were you looking at leaderboards before you headed out.
THE MODERATOR:  Is that any type of mentality where you say, I have to go out and be aggressive; did that turn you onto say, let's get things going early.
JESSICA KORDA:  I think I saw Cristie shot 9‑under and Paula was 8 and I was like, wow, that's serious scoring right there.
But the greens are a little bit bouncier in the afternoon and you can kind of see where people have walked and some donuts around the holes.  But in the morning, it must have been really nice.  But yeah, definitely was a little bit more aggressive, but kind of take whatever you can get out here.
THE MODERATOR:   Very solid birdie, birdie finish.  You said you changed balls towards the end, and your caddie said you're a little superstitious.  With the ball change, do you think that really helped?
JESSICA KORDA:  Well, I changed my ball after‑‑ on 15, I flared it out to the right and on 16 I flared it out to the right and after I made par on 16, I was like, right, this ball is not being nice to me, so we are just going to grab a different one, so I went birdie, birdie with that one.

Q.  Given the scores, do you have to keep the aggressive mentality, you have to go low tomorrow to win?
JESSICA KORDA:  That's between the mentality every day.  Weather's been beautiful, not too windy, gorgeous, sun is out all day.  It's perfect scoring conditions I think.  So as long as you can keep hitting good shots and giving yourself opportunities, you're going to drop a couple but definitely a low score is going to take it tomorrow.
THE MODERATOR:   Two rookies at the top with you, do you think experience will help going into tomorrow's round?  Obviously you're only 21, and I say you're the one with the experience, but do you think that will help out a little more rather than having two rookies up at the top.
JESSICA KORDA:  Well, can you really call them rookies?  Lydia has been out here since she was, what, 15, 14?  And Mirim played on the KLPGA.  So I'm sure she has plenty of experience and knows how to win.  She may be a rookie on this tour but she's no rookie.

Q.  Looked like you two were chatty the first two days.
JESSICA KORDA:  I have a 15‑year‑old sister at home and looking at Lydia is 16, I'm like, you guys are way more mature than you should be.
I look at her like a little sister.  I was there when she won her first tournament on the ALPG TOUR and kind of been there after that.  So she's a great girl and we do have a really good time on the course.
THE MODERATOR:  You already have a win this season.  What were your goals coming in early on?  Did you foresee any of this solid play early on, did you think, let me get two wins within my first four shots, did any of that go through your mind starting the season.
JESSICA KORDA:  No, I went through a massive swing change so I really didn't think I need to win but I definitely went into the season wanting to win.  I was so fortunate to do it in the Bahamas but I'm kind of ready to win on home soil, too. FastScripts by ASAP Sports ...

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