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March 10, 2014
UNLV – 78
San Jose State – 75
THE MODERATOR: We're ready to begin with San Jose State. Coach, just some general remarks on tonight's game.
COACH CRAIGHEAD: I think we played with a tremendous amount of effort. Our lack of depth sometimes hurts us. A little bit of foul trouble. But I just am really proud of my kids. I thought they stepped up, made big plays, especially these two. They came up big and we came up a couple possessionis short.
THE MODERATOR: Questions for the student‑athletes.
Q. Rebecca, could you talk through the last minute. It was really frenetic.
REBECCA WOODBERRY: We were trying to get a three, and we weren't able to run the play correctly. And it was tipped out of bounds. I mean, I don't really have much else to say.
It just didn't go as planned.
Q. Classye, maybe describe what UNLV was trying to do defensively to you guys in the second half.
CLASSYE JAMES: I think that we really weren't probably taking advantage of our open looks. I think we had the same looks in the second half that we did in the first. They were overplaying our passing lane. I think if we would have looked to back door, would have gotten a couple more looks.
All in all, they had solid defense both first and second half.
THE MODERATOR: We'll continue with questions for coach.
Q. Can you talk about your team's defensive play tonight.
COACH CRAIGHEAD: Yeah, we were in the pressure matchup that we've been running. I thought we were really active. Thought we missed a few box‑outs on the backside, and it cost us.
I was overall pleased with the effort defensively. A couple lapses at the end.
Q. You play a very wide‑open style, fast‑shot opportunities. That plays to your strengths, but at times did it hurt you, too?
COACH CRAIGHEAD: Yeah, I think it's hard to teach a team to play fast and then to tell them to put the brakes on.
I actually didn't tell them to put the brakes on. I felt like we got a little tight and tentative, maybe playing to not lose a game that we hadn't won yet.
We take shots. Becca Woodberry takes open threes. She shot some early open threes in the shot clock, but they were still wide‑open, so it's a good shot. A kit who has hit 80‑some threes on the season. I thought the key for us was that we got into foul trouble.
Jasmine Smith, 15 minutes, five fouls. It really limits us in what we can do.
Q. Now that you've wrapped up your first full season on the job at San Jose State, how do you feel the girls handled your system this year, things you liked that they did?
COACH CRAIGHEAD: Well, I think we put about half the system in. We need some depth to be able to do what I really want to do defensively. I'm really excited about who we have coming back, the kids we have sitting on our bench as redshirts.
We're going to go faster than we did this year. You'll see an up‑tempo style. I'm really excited. I thought they embraced me and what we were trying to do and showed a lot of maturity in that, so I was very proud of them.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you very much, coach.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports