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March 9, 2014
C. WOZNIACKI/Y. Shvedova
7‑6, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Very nice fight out there to get through a difficult match. What was your general take away from it?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, it was a very tough match. I think playing her is always tricky, and especially here because the ball bounces so high. Her serves were bouncing way over my head, and I had a really tough time really getting into the rhythm at the start.
I managed to fight through and win that first set. I'm not sure how, but I guess just my running really got me through that. I started playing some pretty good tennis in the third set, but before then it was really just a battle and a scramble.
Q. We saw Michael Mortensen is here with you, but I guess your dad is still doing the on‑court coaching. Can you talk about that setup? Is he considered your coach now or consultant?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think Michael and my dad work well together, and I think my dad knows a way to get things through to me in a faster way when I'm on court and there is a two‑minute break.
So that's how I feel best. And, you know, Michael comes in with some good inputs, as well, from the sideline.
Q. Was that like a language thing? I know Ana Ivanovic has a Serbian coach, and she said that she likes being coached in Serbian. I think Bernard Tomic has the same thing with a Croatian coach now. Is there any sort of like player like you grew up playing tennis in Polish?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, I actually grew up playing tennis in Danish, but I guess my dad has always been there, and, you know, he just knows the small things maybe to just tell me in one way that I just quickly can adjust and do, you know, whereas maybe a new coach will take longer time to get the same thing that can be said in a second really.
Q. Key phrases he uses? Obviously we don't understand. He gets pretty animated sometimes.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, you know, my dad in general is very animated when he talks (smiling). That's nothing new. I guess whenever, you know, you only have that one‑and‑a‑half minutes or two minutes, you know, you just have to get things directed at you as quick as possible.
I just try to listen and take in whatever I can and try and get that through into the match as well.
Q. I think you played her last year and lost in straights. How much do you look at that match the night before and talk over what you're going to utilize on court?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Not really, honestly, because first of all, that was on clay, and she played very well. I didn't play well at all in that match.
You know, it's a new tournament, a new place. But I look at matches she's played this year more because this is recent. Then you just try and see a few key points.
Q. Are you doing that on YouTube, like Googling clips, or...
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah. Well, usually my dad and Michael would look at the match and, you know, then just ‑‑because I didn't have ‑‑normally I like to go and watch a few games of my opponents play or watch on TV when they are playing, but it wasn't possible in the last match.
So they would just have a look at clips on the Internet really, and then give me some pointers.
Q. A few players have been weighing in on how good their prep or bad their preparation was before coming into this event. Just checking in with you, how happy were you with, yeah, your practice or preparation coming into here?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: My preparation has been great. You know, it always is leading into these tournaments. I just think this is the fun part of the year. For me, I love these two tournaments. Yeah, I think it can be a very long month if you don't do well and if you don't play ‑‑ or if you're unlucky and you get a bad draw and you lose early.
So that, I think, is the key motivation to keep playing well.
Q. I think I saw you the other day running to the site. Your dad was waiting for you with your bag. That's something you probably can't do very often on tour.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, you can't do that very often, but I do that often here. I like to do that on my days off. I always go for a morning jog. From where we're staying, it's a perfect route for me to just run for like 35, 40 minutes. So it's perfect.
Q. Is that like a little bit of head clearing time for you, too?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I just love it. You know, the air is so fresh, it's in the morning. It's not too warm; it' not too cold. You look around and you have like lemon trees, orange trees, and it's just so nice. Sometimes I stop up and I grab a lemon or an orange. I probably shouldn't say that here (smiling).
You know, it's just great. I think that's why I love this tournament so much, because I just feel so sort of relaxed. It's just nice to be here.
Q. You guys stay at a house?
Q. Aside from the four slams, do you think this is the best tournament in the world? And do you think it should become the fifth slam?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think it's already called, with the players, the fifth slam, you know. And I think by the media, as well. I definitely think it's the best tournament by far when you think about the organization, the courts, the practice facilities, how all the courts have Hawk‑Eye.
Just everything is so great here. I think to make something a fifth slam is very difficult, because we have the traditions in tennis. We have the four Grand Slams, and, you know, that's how it's always been. I think that's how it's always going to be.
Everyone loves coming back here, and that's why you see everyone playing and loving it. They play doubles, as well, because they just love being here because it's simple.
Q. When does Rory get here?
Q. With the ring in hand?
Q. When you look back on your career, is there one shot that stands out that you're most proud of?
Q. One shot.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I have to say I have an extremely bad memory, which is not good for my age. You know, I am getting older, but still it shouldn't be there (smiling).
I don't know. I think I have had a lot of like great shots where I have been running things down, and then in the end being able to just finish it off. It's tough to put off just one.
I lost that point (smiling). There was one great shot. I remember at Eastbourne one year. I was playing Aleksandra Wozniak. I just slipped three times in a row in the point before and again I slipped, and I'm like, Okay, whatever. I'm not even going to bother to stand up.
So I just sit there and the ball goes high and Aleksandra has an overhead. She can put it anywhere. I'm just sit there, you know. I'm just waiting for the ball to be done. She smashes it directly towards me so I can still play the ball back. I stand up and we finished the rally. I ended up losing it, but that was the funniest thing.
Because even if she really tried to it hit so that I could actually play it back it would be very difficult, because she only had about this much space. I was sitting on my butt and still hit the ball back.
Q. Do you ever dream about tennis?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No (smiling). I actually don't, no.
Q. When you are up close and personal with golf or walking the courses, they are great sportsmen, but how do you compare the two? Ball is just sitting there, no opponent, it's sort of...
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think both tennis and golf are extremely tough, and I can say that because I have tried to play golf. When I'm saying I have tried it's because it's not going very well.
Yeah, the ball is standing still, but it's such a mental game. If you're on a roll, everything is easy because it's right there. You just aim for the hole and boom.
But, you know, you don't have an opponent, but you have the golf course. All of a sudden everything seems smaller, seems tighter. One bad shot can get you out in the bushes, and all of a sudden you do a triple bogey and you're, you know, out of the contention.
I think it's very tough mentally and you have to be very patient. Patience, okay, I have patience on the tennis court, but when I'm playing golf I don't have any patience.
Q. Have you gotten madder on the tennis court or the golf course?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't get mad. I just stop playing.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports