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August 1, 2004

Jim Furyk


Q. How is your confidence?

JIM FURYK: Well, last three tournaments yeah, it's only my fourth tournament back. I've kind of been going one on, one off. I think from now on I'll start playing a more regular schedule. The wrist is feeling pretty good. I'm real happy with where my game is at right now. I feel real comfortable with it. I just was not able to get over the hump. Only 6 under on the weekend, but overall it was a good week and I just didn't quite get over the hump to put myself in contention on the weekend.

Q. What's it like chasing guys going birdie, birdie, birdie?

JIM FURYK: Like I said last night or when I left here, it was going to be dictated by the leaders if they go out and put up a bunch of birdies early, it will be tough to catch them and that was the case. You have to keep plugging away and try to fire a low number.

Q. Is your game closer to where you think it should be now?

JIM FURYK: My game is in real good shape. I'm happy with it. I hit the balance extremely accurate this week and hit a lot of fairways, gave myself a lot of fairway opportunities. I like the way I'm putting. I worked a little on my short game to get ready for the PGA but feel comfortable with it.

I felt good about my game coming here. I felt good at the Western and played well there. Although I didn't play particularly well at the British, I felt good about my game on Thursday and I have a lot of confidence right now. I'm getting over the fact that I'm not really worried too much about the injury anymore. I still have to be smart about what I do and the amount of balls I hit, but it's really not affecting me and trying to I'm not winning golf tournaments, obviously, but I feel like if I keep plugging away and keep trying to put myself in position.

Q. How did things go for you out there?

JIM FURYK: I made a few mistakes, the bogey on 13 was definitely a big setback but to turn around and birdie three of last five, really, actually two of the last five. But I had good opportunities at 17 and 18. I hit some really solid golf shots today and I hit good putts on the holes that didn't go in.

Q. Can you put into the words the gallery at 17?

JIM FURYK: They are a little rowdy but out there having fun. You can pretty much hear them on the front nine. When you are going down through 3, you can hear them already getting revved up. I think they lost a little steam by the end of the day, but they are having a good time and having a lot of fun.

Q. How much consideration do you give a guy like John Daly for the Ryder Cup the way he's played this year?

JIM FURYK: I don't know, do I get to pick anyone?

Q. Assume you were a captain.

JIM FURYK: I was just kidding. I'll leave that all up to Hal. I think the players are all trying to play as well as they can. John is having a great year. A lot of people are having a great year, so obviously he'll be a name coming in there. The captain has some tough choices and he's going to have to make those choices and see who we pick.

Q. Talk about coming back here for the Ryder Cup in September?

JIM FURYK: Good sports town. Hopefully some of those Red Wings fans come out and support us. It's a great event and I look forward to it. I look forward to trying to make the team each and every time, each and every other year. Those three tournament are some of the greatest experiences I've ever had. Really looking forward to it. This is a great town to have it, much like Boston was, great sports town. We have some great fans here.

End of FastScripts.

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