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February 28, 2014

Anna Nordqvist


Q. Today was a fantastic round. You were brilliant with those shots into the greens.
ANNA NORDQVIST: Thank you. I feel a little more alive today. I was exhausted yesterday. But got a good night sleep and rolled the putter a little bit better today so IÂ’m happy.

Q. You were just spectacular last week- yesterday a little bit tired and you were suffereing a bit?
ANNA NORDQVIST: We got here Monday afternoon and had a long pro-am Wednesday afternoon and a lot of things going on. A lot of emails which has been great but I was tired and had a hard time focusing. You really need to stay on it when youÂ’re out here.

Q. The adrenaline must have been pumping when youÂ’re out there?
ANNA NORDQVIST: You just try to put your best foot forward everything and I think I went in a positive direction. Have two more days before going home for two weeks. Just try to make the best out of it and get some rest the next two weeks.

Q. Today might have even been a little bit better. You left some short putts out there today?
ANNA NORDQVIST: The one on seven I thought it was a left to right putt but it broke left so it was a good stroke on it just missed it. But I made my fair share of birdies out there.

Q. Windier today?
ANNA NORDQVIST: I thought it was windier at the start but wasnÂ’t as bad at 6, 7, and 8. Just in a different direction. It definitely was windy at the start.

Q. Did you do anything specifically to rest up or just a good nightÂ’s sleep?
ANNA NORDQVIST: I was going to go to the range to hit a couple and my caddie said letÂ’s get out of here as quick as we can. But I went home earlier and had physio and went to bed early to get a good nightÂ’s sleep. I wasnÂ’t as happy with my ball striking yesterday but I think it came down to being tired and a bit of focus. He told me to get out of here and thatÂ’s what I did and it seemed to work out.

Q. Did you hear from anyone that surprised you? Any old friends?
ANNA NORDQVIST: Yea it was overwhelming for sure. A lot of my friends have been supportive of me through the ups and the downs. ItÂ’s fun to hear from my friends who know nothing about golf. They told me theyÂ’re not really watching but saw that I won and that theyÂ’re happy for me. There were quite a few people in the golfing world that reached out to me and IÂ’m really proud of what I did and it was a great start to the year.

Q. Word travels fast in the day of the Twitterverse.
ANNA NORDQVIST: I probably gained a couple more followers last week and I wish I could respond to all of them. But I really appreciate the support.

Q. Anything youÂ’ll be concentrating on the next two day?
ANNA NORDQVIST: Just get some more rest. I had an early tee time today so get in some practice and get out of here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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