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February 14, 2014
Q. Is there anyone that you're looking up to?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: It's great to see all the players that are in the All‑Star Game, see how they are as people. All of them are great players, unbelievable players, so it's good to see them.
Q. Any specific player that you're looking to see?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: No, not anyone specific, just all of them. I admire all of them, what they do and their games.
Q. How do you feel about being one of the NBA Rookie of the Year candidates?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: It's great. It's a great honor just even to be mentioned. Hopefully I can win it. But it's just great to be mentioned and it's great to be in the run for that.
Q. Do you have a special All‑Star Game memory or moment?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: That's a good question. I'm not sure. I've watched almost all of the All‑Star games. I enjoy them all. I wouldn't say that one moment has stuck out to me the most, really.
Q. You cannot pick one?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: No, I'm not sure. Probably not just one moment. They're all great.
Q. So in talking to the other guys, are they going through the same thing you're going through? Do you find that basically it's the grind and it's kind of tough or what everybody has said about it?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: Yeah, it's a grind for everybody. Some guys are‑‑ feel different than others. It's tough. We all agree that it's a long grind and how you got to keep pushing every single day and keep the body healthy.
Q. What's one thing that you want to do outside? Are you doing any volunteering?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: Yeah, we got some volunteer work after practice today. We're going to build a playground for some kids at a school. So that's going to be nice.
It's a special thing to be able to give back and make a change in people's lives.
Q. Did your success in this rookie season surprise yourself?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: I think that I worked real hard for where I am right now. I expect great things out of myself. But I was surprised at some of my play this year.
Q. Do you get star struck at all?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: Not really. It's funny, because as basketball players a lot of us probably are star struck by seeing all the basketball players and stuff, the guys off the court, the famous actors or comedians or musicians that you see and say, well, that's so‑and‑so.
Q. Who have you seen so far?
MICHAEL CARTER‑WILLIAMS: I haven't seen anyone off the court yet. I was pretty tired last night from all the flying, so I didn't go out or anything like that. But I'll probably see some people today.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports