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January 28, 2014

Rory McIlroy


RORY McILROY:  Course is in great shape.  Played it yesterday.  The greens are firm, as firm and as fast as I've ever seen, especially for it being the start of the week.
So, it's good, it's playing well and you've got to really control your ball flight, especially coming into the greens.  So it should be a good test.

Q.  And the shot at the last?
RORY McILROY:  I think I got a way with the tee shot a little bit and it was a bit of a bonus to get a line and get it on the green.
Driving the ball very well.  It's a good course for me this week, just to take advantage of that, as well.  A lot of the holes are going right‑to‑left, as well, so can cut off a few of those corners with a bit of a draw off the tee.

Q.  And Rafa had the honour at the last?
RORY McILROY:  Yeah, he made a nice little comeback..

Q.  Good playing with him?
RORY McILROY:  No, I've never played with him before, so it was good, we had a good time out there.

Q.  Going back to the shot at the last, when you had to play it under the branches?
RORY McILROY:  Yeah, it was 175, about 200 yards to the pin, had 6‑iron very low.  It was okay.  I mean, it wasn't a great lie but it was fine.  Come down steep enough on it, get it out.

Q.  Comparison‑wise, how much practise‑wise was done last week?
RORY McILROY:  I didn't do much Tuesday, Wednesday, because I had commitments but Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday was good.  I played a little bit.  I played around Els on Thursday and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday worked a lot on wedge play and stuff.  So still put in a good few hours.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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