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January 17, 2014
Q. General thoughts on your round today? Fast start and then.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, fast start and I was kind of bumped on the back nine, I just, I don't know, I just was totally different. The front, we whizzed around and it was great and then the back we waited on every shot and it was just a lot more that you have to deal with in this tournament than others. And I got to do a better job at it. That's all it is.
If I can work on that and keep hitting my irons well. I got to drive it a little better too. But I'll be all right.
Q. What's your approach when you talk about dealing with all the other distractions?
MATT EVERY: There's just a lot more people inside the ropes this week. Not only is it two extra players, it's two extra caddies, Will and I are playing well, right now, so we have a camera in our group every hole, so we got, we have almost eight extra people with us on every tee box. And it's just ‑‑ and some of these, you know, there's not a lot of ‑‑ there is a lot of room inside the ropes, but when people, when everyone doesn't know where to go, it can be a mess sometimes. But that's something I need to deal with, I'm not making excuses, everyone's dealing with it.
Q. So maybe the difference for you between the front and the back was maybe your rhythm?
MATT EVERY: Patience. Absolutely. Yeah.
Q. Talk about your birdie run, culminating with the eagle on the 6th. What was working for you there?
MATT EVERY: I was just striping it. I was hitting it close and then the greens, we were first off, so the greens were perfect, and I was rolling them in and it was really good there for awhile.
Q. Take me on your shot through No. 6, the eagle. Shot by shot.
Q. Yeah.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, just hit a good drive and then had a 5‑wood in. That's probably the best club in my bag right now. I think I made about a 20‑footer. It was good, yeah. Third eagle of the week. Nice.
Q. And what happened on number 10 there? Your double.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, I had‑‑ I think I had like 180 into the green, and I was in between clubs and I went with a 7 instead of a 6 and I actually hit it pretty good and it was right at it and it just came up short. So it was the wrong choice.
I hit a decent bunker shot, maybe ran out a little bit, to probably six feet past and a downhill, left‑to‑right putt, I like to hit them firm, because I feel like I can make a more committed stroke that way and I did and I just didn't play enough break and it missed to the right and went by a little bit and then the next one was kind of probably a brain fart, just missing it. Which is the shit that I do out here, so, whatever.
Q. So 4‑under overall, are you satisfied with that on this course?
MATT EVERY: No, no, not after the start, no. But it's the total, it was a total buzz kill for the back nine.
Q. What was going through your mind? What visions did you have after that 6‑under through 6 start?
MATT EVERY: I wasn't thinking like a super low number, I'm always thinking about the next shot. I know that sounds like something you would hear out of everyone's mouth out here, but it's true.
But I just ‑‑ I thought it would be better than that. But it wasn't. But there's a lot of golf left.
Q. Having said all this, halfway home and you're only about four shots off the read right now. Do you like that position?
MATT EVERY: No, I would rather be closer, because I know that we're done, we're one of the first groups done, so I know that number's only going to go up. And I know these guys in front of me are going to make birdies. So I need to be closer. Tomorrow I need to shoot another low one. I need to shoot 6 or 7‑under tomorrow probably because everyone else is going to here.
But that's what you get when you come here, you got to, if there's no wind, that's what it takes every day is you have to shoot 7‑under every day to try and win. I don't even know what won here last year but it was probably like 25 under. So something like that.
Q. But overall you feel pretty comfortable on these courses, playing them confident, these courses sort of suit you?
MATT EVERY: I don't know if any course, like, suits me. I'm driving it like shit now, so if I need to ‑‑ I need to drive it better. Because some of these holes with the water freak me out, but I don't know. If I drive it better, I'll be fine. Because my irons are great right now.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports