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January 6, 2014
Q. Kevin, do you look at it as a disappointment that you didn't get the victory or that you had some success today and got close?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Well, I told you earlier I came here with a new perspective, and I left my baby girl in the NICU (Inaudible) on day five, and the day after I left I whispered that I was going to win this tournament for her. Though I came up short, I think she'd still be proud of me. But our prayers are with her, and Paul and Michelle Tesori and what they're going through right now. I can't imagine what they're going through, but prayers are with them, and it's put perspective in my life of what golf is (No microphone).
Q. Pertaining to what happened today, what do you think was the difference between winning and not winning?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I just went out and attacked. Especially on the back nine I needed to get going. I made a great run there with four in a row. Unfortunately, I needed that ball to release a little more on 18 and it just didn't. Now I can get home to my baby girl. The Phoenix Open will be my next event.
Q. Well played out there today. You put yourself in good position. Don't know if it's going to be enough, but a little inspiration out there today?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, it really was. It was tough leaving my girl Sophia who we just had ten days ago in the NICU when I got here. She's home safe. We're blessed. But we got some tough news about Paul Tesori and his wife, Michelle. Little baby Isaiah is struggling. So it hit me especially hard seeing what those parents go through and what the nurses go through. It put a new perspective on my life. Excited to go home and hold my new little girl, and prayers go out to Paul and Michelle and what they're going through and realize this is just a game we play.
Q. How were you able to go out and play that well this week with that?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I think that's it. Golf had its proper place in my life. It wasn't that important, but it was just about the right amount of importance.
Q. What did you do particularly well out there today?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I just played really smart. I drove it great all week. Kept the ball below the hole and drove some nice putts, especially those four in a row there.
Q. What were your thoughts after the fourth in a row? You were 17 under at the time?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I didn't look at the leaderboard, but knew I needed a birdie. I wanted to get there and hit two nice shots to get me in good position. But unfortunately I thought that wedge would release a little bit more down grain there, but it was a good run. I did my best. Go home with my head held high.
Q. I know you told Mark, but can you talk about what the keys were for you and what you did so well?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I drove it great all week. Really had been working on my three‑quarter punch shots and had those dialed in very nicely. But had those in and gave myself a lot of good looks for birdie. I was able to make five or six of them today and putted pretty well as well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports