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December 29, 2013
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. What makes Coach Briles such a great coach?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: He always enjoys what he does. That's something you have to respect out of someone. They can find fun in what they do. When you have fun in the job, like I say, like a lot of people say, you're going to be more successful in it.
Q. Is he a guy that makes players want to win for him?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: He makes you want to win. He makes you want to win, in general. He makes you feel like a winner, you just want to go out there and put all you can so you can win.
Q. When the program was down, you still felt like this is where you should be?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: Yes. I never doubted the program. Never doubted it. Never wavered about it. I just bought in. Whatever happened happened.
It's still the fact that each year we've gotten better, tried to raise our standard each time.
Q. You still have one more game to play as a senior. Have you thought about this being the last time?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to have fun at practice. I'm going to have fun at the game. I'm going to have fun here. I'm going to represent Baylor the way I need to.
Q. What does wearing that jersey for the first time in a BCS bowl game mean, is that something special?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: It is. It is. We've come a long way. To end it this way, for me, it will be a good deal.
Q. How do you describe the offense to other people maybe who don't know it so well like we do. How would you describe your offense in basic terms?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: Fast and powerful.
Q. Powerful in the trenches?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: To be honest, everybody is pretty headstrong. The whole line, we got guys, everybody is over 300 pounds of lean muscle that's going to come at you quick, fast. We're just going to attack you.
Q. How difficult is it to get adjusted to the speed and running? You are moving down the field. That's got to be a big adjustment.
CYRIL RICHARDSON: It is a big adjustment. But, you know, working with Coach Kaz, he really does his homework. He looks up things. He keeps us fresh. He does a great job getting us prepared for this. Throughout the summer we do a lot of tempo stuff. We move fast. We workout fast. We hit big weight.
I'm pretty sure we squat the most out of anybody, maybe not weight‑wise, because there's a lot of people in this world, you never know what you can do, but we squat. How many times we squat a week is a lot.
Q. How many times are we talking about?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: We work out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Q. Squats all those days?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: No, no. We workout those days. We squat two days out of those. We'll do bench. We have three workouts. We squat two days. There's also the Sunday workout and we squat that day, too.
Q. Can you put your journey in perspective? Been quite a ride for you all the way back to Katrina, I guess.
CYRIL RICHARDSON: It's been a journey. I'm pretty sure Katrina was a turnover in my life, but I found a way to make it a good turnover.
My mom's always trying to put us in the best situation. I know it's hard sometimes. The best thing I could do for my mom was not worry about it too much. I always trusted my mom. My mom does a lot of stuff for me. One thing I can do is just keep her worry‑free about me, doing everything I could do to stay out of trouble, just help out whenever possible.
I think that was the main thing because everything else just fell into place. It put me into situations that I was able to take full potential of and get myself into a better position.
Coming to Baylor was a small chance. I'm not saying in my thought process I was, like, thinking maybe I should go here, maybe I should go there. When I look at it, it was a small chance because I went to the little football camp they had. I was a junior at the time. My coach told me, Let's go to some camps, try to get your name out there. Nobody knew who I was. Not even playing a whole season of football.
I went to the Baylor camp. I was supposed to go to TCU, but I missed that with some school problems in summer school. Due to Katrina, I was out of school for a little while.
I was able to go to the Baylor camp. It was the last one they were having. I went there, did some drills there. Met Coach Clements. He liked me. He offered me a scholarship right there.
I drove home. I said, Yeah, I want to do this. It wasn't choosing between schools. I only had them that looked at me. It was the fact that he said he liked what I did. I'm like, I'm going here with it.
I finished the year out. I accepted my offer. I signed it in February. Finished off that stuff there. I had a couple bumpy roads because I still had one class to finish. It was tough. It was Algebra II. I'm not a big math guy. I had to put my trust back in my mom because I was trying to get done things by myself. I put my trust in my mom. My mom found something I could do, the crash course. I missed my high school graduation because I had to go take the crash course.
It was a week of me just doing math and stuff. I had to take a test.
Q. This is in the summer?
CYRIL RICHARDSON: In the summer. I got the credit. Had to do with a lot of NCAA stuff. I got that finished. I came in in late August, missed two‑a‑days, summer workouts. I just tried to catch up.
I had Coach Clements guiding me all the way. He came over and helped me out a lot. It came out to me coming to Baylor and I'm here now.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports