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November 14, 2013

Brian Stuard


Q.  What was going good for you out there this morning?
BRIAN STUARD:  You know, I played just pretty solid.  Hit a couple good iron shots, made a couple putts, and haven't really got in too much trouble.

Q.  With all the starts and stops, that's got to be frustrating when you have it going that good.
BRIAN STUARD:  Yeah, just made birdie on 6 when they blew it the first time.  I came out and made bogey on 7, but then made a nice putt on 9 to get the momentum going again.
That was nice.

Q.  Back out real early tomorrow.  Thoughts?
BRIAN STUARD:  I got a tough shot coming up, so hopefully I can, I don't know, make par on 16.  That would be nice.
I don't know, just trying to finish the round off strong.

Q.  This morning the course probably wasn't near as soft as it was the second time you went back out, I'm sure.
BRIAN STUARD:  Yeah, I mean, it's pretty soft all around.  Had a lot of rain the last couple days.

Q.  Does the rain affect how you play the course from previous years?
BRIAN STUARD:  Maybe a little bit.  I think you, I don't know, don't have to worry about your tee shots running off as much.  Just kind of stops right where it flies.  But then you got a lot longer shot coming into the green.
I don't know, makes it easier in some ways and harder in some ways.

Q.  Any plans for the rest of the afternoon?
BRIAN STUARD:  No.  Not really.  Just relax.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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