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August 3, 2001

Edward Fryatt


JOAN vT ALEXANDER: Couple comments about your round today and then we'll take questions.

EDWARD FRYATT: I actually didn't hit it as well as I would have liked to on the front nine and just kept the ball in play and made a few good pars. But my back nine, which was the front nine, I started to hit a lot better. I just wanted to finish out my round. I felt a little tired. We had about six holes to go, just because we finished late yesterday and early this morning, I just said: "Let's not give this round away and really grind it out." Luckily, I was able to make three birdies on the last four holes. Almost the same thing I did yesterday; made four birdies in the last five. It looks like you are just kind of treading water out there. You can just get it going with just a few putts.

Q. What time did you finish?

EDWARD FRYATT: 7:30, 8:00. I don't know what time it got dark, but we were one of the last few groups to finish yesterday.

Q. Was it difficult for you?

EDWARD FRYATT: Not really. It was a long wait between the rounds there, but I was playing quite well, so it was not a big deal. I think if you are struggling, it almost helps you, too, because we went back out to play on 8, I made a good par there. Even though it's a birdie hole, you know, it was just a long day yesterday, that's all. And, you know, get to bed around 10:00, 10:30 and then get back up at 4:45 is not ideal.

Q. How does this fit with your season? How did you feel you were playing coming in here, and, you know, how does this feel?

EDWARD FRYATT: The season, actually has been kind of disappointing for the most part. Until the last, I would say, almost month and a half, I have just been struggling. Fighting a shoulder injury early this year, and just been struggling with a lot of different things, just playing mediocre everything, irons, putter. And then starting kind of at Byron Nelson when I went back to working with my old teacher, I started to turn things around, started to see a few kind of good shots that I had not seen in a while it, it has been kind of baby steps to get to what I have been doing last two, three weeks. And then really, saw some bright spots at Westchester and started to gain a little bit of confidence, even though that was not the best of finishes. I started to see some good shots, which was nice. And then the last two weeks have been pretty good. Just didn't finish them off on the weekend, and then two weeks ago at B.C., i played poorly on Saturday, and then played pretty well on Sunday, and then last week, I played well on Saturday and let the round slip away and then poorly on Sunday. Trying to get over the hump and play well both days on the weekend.

Q. Just a little background. How old were you when you started playing?

EDWARD FRYATT: Probably about 13. I started probably relatively late to most of the guys out here. But, you know, as soon as I started playing, I really enjoyed it, so I kind of took it up.

Q. And where was that?

EDWARD FRYATT: In Vegas. Las Vegas.

Q. Are you from there?

EDWARD FRYATT: I was born in England, but I've lived in Vegas for about 25 years.

Q. Who was the teacher you went back to ---

EDWARD FRYATT: Jim Bulard. He lives in Las Vegas. He has been a resident of Vegas forever and has taught a lot of kids there and he has been a huge influence on my game.

Q. So did you start out with him?

EDWARD FRYATT: Yeah, I've been working him since I've been 13, and then kind of worked with Butch last year. And things with Butch were great, but I just struggled to kind of do what he wanted me to do. I probably got maybe impatient with it a little bit and just decided to get back and patch things up with my old teacher and get going again.

Q. You said you birdied three of the last four. Was that mostly putts?

EDWARD FRYATT: I'm trying to think. No, they were 3-footers, most of them.

JOAN vT ALEXANDER: Let's go through your round, starting with 15, you had that birdie.

EDWARD FRYATT: 15, driver, L-wedge about three feet. Birdie. Next hole, I pulled a 6-iron left and hit a terrible chip through the green and chipped it up about two inches and tapped in for bogey to lose a point. Next hole, par 5, drove it up the right side. 3-iron just short right. Long putt all the way across the green about 15 feet above the hole and made that -- 12 feet above the hole. Went to 1. Hit driver and 3-wood onto the green. Rolled it by about a foot and made that.

JOAN vT ALEXANDER: How long was that first putt?

EDWARD FRYATT: About 30 feet, I think. 6, 3-wood, pitching wedge in there about three, 3 1/2 feet above the hole and made that. 8, driver, 3-wood onto the green. About a 60-footer and rolled it up there about a foot and tapped that in. Then the last, driver, 9-iron about three feet, 3 1/2 feet.

Q. Was the tee up at 8?

EDWARD FRYATT: Yeah, the tee was up at 8. If my opinion counts for anything, I think it's a better hole up there than the new tee box. But wherever they have it tomorrow or Sunday is wherever we are going to play it. I know it is impossible for me to reach the green in two from that back tee, and in this format, I like it, the tee where it is now.

Q. You being born in England, was your dad in the military?

EDWARD FRYATT: No. He was a professional soccer player.

Q. Is he American?


Q. He's English? What brought him over here?

EDWARD FRYATT: He got an offer to play in the old NASL, North American Soccer League, and played with the Philadelphia Adams and got a job in Las Vegas, the Quicksilvers. After that, and we've been there ever since. I definitely was not a budding soccer player in any stretch of the imagination. I played a little bit, and I kind of fiddled around with a few different sports, as most kids do at that age, 10, 12 years old and pretty much stunk at everything and then kind of got into golf by accident and fell in love with it and saw some results quickly, which was nice, and got me even more enthusiastic about the game.

Q. Do you like being represented by the English flag?

EDWARD FRYATT: It doesn't matter. Las Vegas flag is fine by me. (Laughter.) Doesn't matter. I'm just happy to be out on the PGA TOUR and being able to fulfill a dream.

Q. (Inaudible.)

EDWARD FRYATT: Nevada flag. Slot machine and dice. Whatever keeps the state income tax at zero. (Laughter.)

Q. What is your dad's name?




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